A story by George Jared in The Jonesboro Sun today (Aug 2) reported Chief Yates comments:
A cultural wave of drug abuse and violence has started across the country . . . Unlike the drug and cultural revolution of the 1960s, this new shift is more tied to gang activity . . . . Most of the fight against the sale and consumption of illegal drugs occurs at the local level, but some national policies are making the problem worse, even in Jonesboro. . .
Over the last couple of years the bulk of methamphetamine has come into the city from Mexico . . . Local meth dealers were hampered by laws passed by the Arkansas Legislature in 2005 limiting the amount of ephedrine or similar drugs that could be purchased. These substances are a primary ingredient in producing meth. When local supplies withered, “Mexican Ice,” as its called on the street, began to appear in greater quantities . . .
Mexican meth tends to be higher quality, which makes it more dangerous . . . Many of the upper-level drug dealers who control the flow of meth out of Mexico tend to be illegal immigrants . . . . To stem the tide of Mexican meth, Yates said more inspections of cargo on the border are necessary, and all immigrants need to be accounted for.
“I’m not against people coming here to find jobs and improve their lives,” Yates said. “What I can see is how illegal immigration affects the law enforcement side of the equation.” . . . Some of his opinions about how to curtail the area’s drug problems aren’t “politically correct,” and Yates said he’s more than aware of that. “If I get into trouble for telling the truth, so be it” . . . [Yates weighs in on drug woes]
Tags: Arkansas, cimes by illegals, drug cartel, drug smuggler, Drugs, illegal aliens, Jonesboro, Mexicans, Mexico, Narco-Corridas, organized crime, police cheif To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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