Guest Editorial by Partrick L Booth: Our nation's problems, economic and otherwise, have at their root decaying moral values. Whether we’re willing to admit it or not, we have become immoral people with little more than a pretense of morality. Using some questions posed by Dr. Walter E. Williams, I think I can prove my case easily.
Is it moral and just for one person to forcibly use another to serve their own purposes? If said used does not peaceably submit to use, should Governmental force be used against him? Either question can be answered simply yes or no. Though I would answer no to both questions, I’d bet most college professors, politicians or even ministers could not give a simple yes or no response. They would evasively say it depends on circumstance.
In questions of morality, the initial premise is that we are private citizens entitled to the fruits of our own labors. Simple enough. The complex legal question is, “What percentage of us belongs to someone else.” Accepting the idea of self-ownership defines ideas of rights. Thus certain acts such as rape and murder are readily revealed as immoral because they violate one's private, personal and property rights. Theft of the physical things we own such as cars, jewelry and money violates our ownership rights.
The average college professor, politician or minister will not give simple yes or no answers to questions of whether one person should be used to serve the purposes of another because they realize either answer could be troublesome to their particular agenda. A “Yes” puts them firmly in positions supporting some of mankind's most horrible injustices such as slavery. After all, what is slavery but the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another? A “No” answer requires them to come out against taking the earnings of one person to give to another even if in the forms of farm and business handouts, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and thousands of similar entitlement programs accounting for more than two-thirds of our federal budget.
There is neither moral justification nor constitutional authority for what amounts to legalized theft, the basis of Socialism. This is not an argument against paying taxes. We all have moral obligations to pay our share of the constitutionally mandated and enumerated functions of our governments, local, state, and federal.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way out of our immoral quagmire. Since the U.S. Congress has established a principle that any American has a right to living expenses born by other Americans, it’s no longer profitable to be moral. People choosing morality who refuse congressional handouts then find themselves the losers. Higher producers will be paying higher and higher taxes to support increasing numbers of those paying lower and lower or no taxes. As of now, close to 50 percent of income earners have no federal income tax liability so why should they care about rising income taxes?
In other words, now that legalized theft is the norm, it is increasingly costly to remain moral and self-sufficient. One might as well join in the looting, including the current looting in the name of stimulating the economy. Bernie Madoff isn’t an aberration.
Will historians, a hundred years from now, footnote America as a mere historical curiosity? A place where people once enjoyed private property rights and limited government, it returned to mankind's normal state of affairs -- arbitrary abuse and control by the powerful elite bought and paid for by bread to the masses or, as we now term it, entitlements. BO [Barack Obama] isn’t really stupid, just amoral. He doesn’t care what happens to average people. He is dedicated to the proposition that Socialism is justified and he intends to force it down our throats. Shamefully, we are likely to accept it because the Constitution, rule of law, and morality have become meaningless terms.
PL Booth is a retired Federal employee, professional writer, political activist, aviator, motorcycle enthusiast, and conservative. He writes at The Blue Eye View.
Tags: Barack Obama, Economics, entitlements, God, immorality, PL Booth, socialism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Our Nation’s Primary Problem is Immorality
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