Arkansas Rep. Marion Berry is expected to announce his retirement tomorrow morning, according to three sources briefed on the decision. Berry will become the sixth Democrat in a competitive seat to leave in the last two months but the first to announce his retirement since the party's special election loss in Massachusetts last Tuesday. "The message coming out of the Massachusetts special election is clear: No Democrat is safe," said National Republican Congressional Committee communications director Ken Spain.First, Marion Berry has seemed to have realized that claiming to be a "blue dog democrat" has become a false descriptor. A "blue dog democrat" was previously defined to mean a "fiscally conservative democrat," but "blue dogs" are now nothing more than "lap dogs" or the likes of Speaker Pelosi which is definitely no honor.
Next, I wish take umbrage at his or any others identifying that Mr. Marion Berry is "retiring" in any other meaning of the word other than "quitting or not running again." The truth is he is moving forward into a new phase of one of the greatest schemes devised by the modern era of Congress for "ripping off" the public: "congressional retirements." In my opinion, he has already been overpaid for the work that he alleges to have done and for the efforts that he did not do like failing "protecting the Constitution of the United States" by voting in favor of bills that are not authorized under the scope of the US Constitution or mortgage off the future of Americans. Berry for all his failed efforts is now positioned to collect a "congressional retirement"!
I agree that "no democrat is safe" this year because of the exorbitant efforts to plunder the wealth of future generations of Americans. However, all members of Congress, regardless of political party, who either voted for or supported in any fashion the "retirements" for members of Congress beyond receiving social security for the years in which they actually paid into the system have failed Americans. In addition, most of these members of Congress have spent social security and medicare funds on programs, projects and efforts needed to secure votes to return them to Congress.
It is not proper for Congressional members to grant themselves (forget Cadillac) Rolls-Royce retirements and health care benefit packages. Their practice of voting their own retirement program and ripping off the funds needed to pay for it from the general US Treasury needs to be stopped. The creators of the Constitution envisioned a need for a members of Congress to determine reasonable pay for future members of Congress, but our founders never envisioned the arrogance or greed of the modern era members of Congress who repeatedly use their office to be re-elected to office, to facilitate their own enrichment and to facilitate their names being placed on buildings, airports, schools, and more.
Congress was to represent the people not themselves. Thus, members of Congress like Marion Berry do not get any well wishes from me for their past performance. And before anyone responds with a list of the "good things" Berry did for the First District of Arkansas, be on notice that I reject any efforts by Berry that result in comments like "he helped get this for the district, project, event, effort " or "he supported this funding" I must reject all efforts that were in any manor an earmark, funding for any event, project or effort outside the defined parameters of the Constitution, or were trade-offs for a votes, favors, etc.. Also, we should reject all such actions (beyond National Defense) which added to the excessive federal deficit now owed by our grandchildren and great grandchildren. All such examples would only be further proof of guilt of malfeasance on the part of Mr. Berry and a majority of other members of Congress voting for such actions.
Maybe he started with well intentioned, but Mr. Marion Berry has indeed become a significant part of the problem with today's U.S. Congress. None of us need to wish him well, because he is going to be living extremely well on our money or should I say on the federal debt to be paid by our children and grandchildren. If Mr. Berry seeks our well wishes, all he has to do is to do is to refuse the "Congressional retirement and benefits."
Tags: AR, AR-01, Arkansas, corruption, Marion Berry, retirement, US House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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