Breaking News
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Info Post
Gillett, Arkansas, a small rural community with a population of 883, is located in the tri-rivers country where the Arkansas and White Rivers flow to the Mississippi. Gillett is abundant in water, wildlife, and productive farm land, which produces its major crops of rice and soybeans. Gillett is also the home of the noted Coon Supper. This legendary and much celebrated event has spanned over fifty years and is one of the cornerstones of a proud community. The Gillett Farmers and Businessmen's Club, established in 1947, is responsible for the event. The nonprofit club uses proceeds from the Coon Supper to assist in Gillett community services and Gillett High School sports and academic programs. Sports these days has not been doing well.
by Harvey Edwards, Topix Editor: What do US Senator Blanche Lincoln, Congressman Marion Berry, Senator Mark Pryor, Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe, and  host of other Liberal Democrats have in common with the tiny Delta Town of Gillett Arkansas? The Delta is dying and so are the careers of the above mentioned band of scalawags. This didn't stop all of them from converging on this tiny town and taking over a school and community dinner for the annual Gillett Coon Supper.

The evening started for the Politicians and as many staffers as they could bring in all meeting at Congressman Berry's farm outside of town. This occurs every year at this time. Democrats only need attend. The Liquor flows and the backslapping continues until it is time for them to go slumming with the local townsfolk. Marion actually has someone guard his Sign and direct the other Liberals down the graveyard road to the Berry Barn for drinks, real food and lies.

The coon supper begins with the principal of Gillett elementary school discussing the purpose of the event. The Coach, who no longer has a team, gets up and makes a plea for people to please move to Gillett so that he can maybe have a team someday. A local comic gets up and talks local stories with a good jab or two at the politicians. The local pastor gets up and gives a great sermon as Berry staffers stare around to see if anyone is watching them. This is where the local aspect of this dinner ends, wait not quite. Miss Arkansas gets up and sings two Broadway tunes.  Because local folks respect, I want to separate her from the politicians and the Political derailment coming next.

Our hometown US Congressman Marion Berry gets up and from thereon whenever a politician's mouth moves, a lie is told. Berry touts how the people in the Delta are surviving the recession better than most. What he does not say is that we have had practice at living poor due to his and other's plantation politics. Lie number one: since Berry can get Riceland Foods and others big farming subsidies, it must mean we are all doing fine. While the farmers are getting disaster relief this year to make it through the winter, the actual working class doesn't even get a crumb and most dont get their bonuses.

Berry must have heard the school folks talking but he just wasn't listening or caring. Gillett can't even get a charter school because Governor Beebe and others will not allow for it. He touted the efforts of State Representative Tiffany Rogers for working for higher education. That is a joke. If the people here could afford a higher education, they would ALL have to leave the area afterwards to find a job.

Congressman Berry then introduces the biggest ruination of the Delta since the Civil war - Senator Blanche Lincoln, the one who lied to all of Arkansas and the Country and made it possible for Obamacare. She gets up and since she has been warned in advance not to discuss anything relevant, she begins patting her own back for being on the Agriculture Committee, and how proud her daddy would be of her. As a matter of fact ,all the scalawags patted Lincoln's back.

Governor Mike Beebe got up and said how Gillett was one of his four favorite places in Arkansas. I hope he remembered to wipe his mouth afterwards. Berry Got back up and told all in attendance that Mike Beebe was the best Governor that Arkansas has ever had, Stating that he would say that even if Bill Clinton were there. We're getting mushy now.

Senator Mark Pryor then gets up to speak.  Now all the lies began to blur into one, or was it the hot air or maybe smoke being blown up our rears. I began looking for the exit as I was beginning to perspire. It was noticed by the delegation from Maumelle; they were the only genuine folks I met there and I sat across from them speechless.

No one there could explain why the richest agricultural region of the world has the most poverty ridden and unsupported folks in the Country. Governor Beebe cannot get up and say that he will give tax breaks to businesses that will come to the region to keep us working and spending. That's how an economy grows; it does not grow by taking every federal dollar thrown at Government programs run and dictated over by Government bureaucrat.

By the time Mike Ross got up, it was becoming a blur to the point that I got up got my souvenir coon supper glass and with my granddaughter in tow made my way out to the frigid cold air for a breath of fresh air. My Granddaughter needs her rest as she will be spending all her working life paying for what these Liberal Criminals are stealing from her today.  . . . [H/T and Full Story at Boot Berry]

Tags: AR-01, Arkansas, Blanche Lincoln, Coon dinner, delta, Gillett, Marion Berry, Mike Beebe To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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