Breaking News
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Info Post
U.S. House Republicans discuss jobs, the economy, health care, and the State of the Union following their weekly Conference meeting. This weekend, they head to their Republican retreat featuring an appearance by President Obama. Here in advance what they hope to hear this evening from President Barack Obama but most importantly what the House republican intend to share with Obama at their meeting.

Pence Calls on President for Action on Fiscal Discipline:
U.S. Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN), Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in anticipation of this evening’s State of the Union address by President Obama:
Tonight, the President of the United States will return to the well of this Congress and deliver his report on the state of the Union. House Republicans welcome the president back to the People’s House. We have heard that after a year of runaway federal spending, trillion-dollar deficits, borrowing, bailouts and big government schemes in energy and health care, after a year where Democrats have been on a spending binge, the president is going to tell us that he is going to get his party on the wagon here in Congress.

Let me say that we welcome that. We welcome word that the president may call for a three year spending freeze. Frankly, I never met a spending freeze I didn’t like. Let me say this emphatically: House Republicans will welcome any effort to restore fiscal discipline to Washington D.C. and work with this administration.

But Mr. President, the American people want action. We don’t need another lofty speech from this historic well from the President of the United States. Mr. President, set aside your big-government plans to take over health care; send us a budget that reduces spending and reduces taxes on the American people. Mr. President, deeds, not words. Deeds, not words, are what are required to put our fiscal house in order.

Tags: Barack Obama, House Republicans, Mike Pence, State of the Union, US House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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