"As Democrats struggle to put together a government takeover of health care behind closed doors, House Republicans have one message for the American people: This fight ain't over. The President of the United States should keep his word to the American people and ensure the public's right to know and bring the CSPAN cameras into these backroom negotiations immediately. It is simply wrong for legislation, that will not just affect 20% of our economy, it is simply wrong for legislation that will affect 100% of the American people for generations to come to be cobbled together behind closed doors by one party, one White House and a group of special interests. The American people deserve a seat at the table and House Republicans are determined to fight for the public's right to know.
"But beyond that, we're calling on the American people. The holidays are behind us. The challenges to our security that emerged on Christmas Day, we're dealing with. But right now is the moment for every American who cherishes freedom, who cherishes the ability to choose their own doctor, who still believes that we can create health care reform that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government, to let their voice be heard. House Republicans will take to the floor, will take to committees, will take to the airwaves and will take to our districts to encourage every American to let their voice be heard. This fight ain't over."
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