Breaking News
Friday, February 19, 2010

Info Post
Bill O'Reilly gives credence to Southern Poverty "Leftist" Law Center Director Mark Potok and his comments about Oath Keepers.

Then on Feb 18th, O'Reilly had Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers, on Fox News "The Factor" in response to the previous nights appearance by SPLC's Mark Potok.

Stewart Rhodes presents a good explanation for the time allotted. In the interview, O'Reilly acts ignorant of the right for people to retain their constitution rights even in a state of emergency and that the U.S. District Court determined that taking guns from people during the "state of emergency" was unconstitutional. Wake-up O'Reilly. Then he evidences his extreme ignorance of the Oaths taken especially by military officers and that the military clearly understands that they are not required to follow unlawful orders of the their superiors up to and including the President of the United States.

Mr. "Fair and Balanced" Bill O'Reilly shows an extreme ignorance that the requirement not to obey "unlawful" orders exists to protect him and others from someone in the military, the civilian secretaries of the services or even the President acting in a manner that would threaten or diminish citizens' rights under the Constitution. Yes Mr. O'Reilly, members of the military, law enforcement and others are required to think. Failure to do so is not an excuse for following orders which violate the U.S. Constitution. O'Reilly should have read the material presented on the Oath Keepers website which addressed types of unlawful orders. If by chance he read the material, he demonstrated by his comments a complete lack of understanding of oaths and Oath Keepers.

Gateway Pundit had even harsher words:
Bill O’Reilly interviewed Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers, tonight. During their discussion O’Reilly supported gun confiscation during hurricanes. He told the Oathkeeper that his views on the Second Amendment were “extreme.” Bill O’Reilly stated clearly that any mayor – such as in New Orleans after Katrina – had a perfect right to confiscate guns because they had to maintain “control.”

Huh? Last I checked, the Second Amendment doesn’t mention anything about severe storms. For the record, I support Bill O’Reilly on several of his positions. Not this one.

More… Glenn Reynolds added: That’s funny. O’Reilly calls the opposing position “extreme,” but such gun confiscation is illegal under federal statute, and as a matter of constitutional law; in fact, the city of New Orleans lost a lawsuit over gun confiscation during Katrina. But then, O’Reilly’s no libertarian, to put things mildly. And he’s consistently weak on the law, also to put things mildly. Still, he should have been better briefed for this show, as he came across looking like a fool, and making his “extreme” guest look sober and well-informed by comparison.
O'Reilly has a way of "spinning" issues in his "no spin zone." Will be watching to see how he does this, or will he "duck and cover."

Tags: Bill O'Reilly, oath, Southern Poverty Law Center To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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