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Monday, February 22, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: The following is a clear warning that not everybody seeking to use the "TEA Party" label is necessarily conservative or supportive of the of the conservative message of limited government. While some may just be arrogant and unwilling to play well with others and are running as  independents, others have much more sinister motives. There is a danger of wolves in sheep's clothing seeking to do anything to save the wolves.  And that includes running for office so as to drain off conservative votes to help the someone like Harry Reid (D-NV) or Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) to be re-elected.  Both of these individuals based on below sea level polling numbers should lose to almost any clean-cut, non ugly conservative let alone a highly qualified conservative. That is the should lose unless someone does a "Ross Perot imitation" and siphons off conservative votes.

by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: I have warned that a “Tea Party” candidate may run as a third party candidate against Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid, likely splitting the conservative vote and leading to Reid’s reelection. While the point of the item was the need for conservatives to stay united in order to defeat liberals like Reid, a number of you wrote back endorsing third party “suicide missions.”

Let me repeat my belief that nothing could be more damaging to the conservative movement and our republic at this critical juncture in history than a split on the Right. Our division only serves the Democrats’ best interests by guaranteeing their success and our defeat. News today only reinforces my strong feelings on this subject.

Today’s Washington Times reports on evidence that the third party “Tea Party” campaign against Harry Reid is likely a ruse intended to divide the Right. None of the established Tea Party leaders in Nevada are familiar with the folks behind this “Tea Party” party. One officer of this new group may even be a Democrat lawyer known for his leftwing activism. Read the full Washington Times Report report.

My friends, we must be smarter than this. Our best hope of stopping Obama’s socialism is scoring major victories, like defeating Harry Reid, in the elections 253 days away. That ought to be obvious to anyone who cares about our values. If we are going to succeed, we cannot allow our conservative friends to fall for Democrat dirty tricks.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. He submitted this article in an email to the ARRA News Service Editor. Bauer was a former Republican presidential candidate and served as President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser.

Tags: Campaign for Working Families, Democrat, Gary Bauer, Harry Reid, Nevada, Politics, TEA Parties To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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