Breaking News
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Info Post
by Jerry Day: This is an expose' of the Census Bureau. This video itemizes the fundamental legal questions that the Census Bureau refuses or fails to answer about its collection and use of personal information from every American (see questions below). This program aired on Matrix News Network (syndicated national television) in January of 2010.

Without any apparent authority the Census Bureau has expanded it's information gathering activities. In addition to the once-in-10-years Census authorized by the Constitution, the Census Bureau conducts more in-depth "Surveys" of 250,000 Americans every month of every year. It has no Constitutional authority for that, in fact the Bureau is violating the 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights by suggesting that Americans are "obligated" to provide any personal information whatsoever to government.

The Constitution allows the government to count people once every ten years, but does not require any American to BE COUNTED, OR TO PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION AT ALL, much less to provide personal information to the temporary worker and stranger who comes to your door with a Census Bureau badge.

Americans have been given very false impressions and presumptions of the authority of government to invade their lives. Even the Census takers themselves are sometimes misinformed of the limits of government. . . . [Read More]

Tags: Blogburst, video, Census Bureau, invasion, privacy, U.S. Census, US Constitution To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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