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Monday, February 8, 2010

Info Post
Please consider the following comments by Megan McCain on "The View." This arrogant know-it-all young "lady" has been attempting to build a reputation with her sassy comments. On "The View" she trashes Tea Party people and demeans people over 65 - move over Daddy McCain. However, I would agree that Tom Tancredo does not represent the Tea Party movement.

An unknown before Daddy McCain brought her to the forefront as in his presidential campaign, Megan's comments since the 2008 elections have continued to depict her to moving farther to the left and she appears very uncomfortable with Republican ideals or the platform. She admitted on "The View" that she has not attended a Tea Party event because she has "ideological differences." With what aspects of love of country, stopping the overspending, staying out of our health care, stopping taking over banks, the auto industry and health care industry, opposing the expansion of the federal deficit and supporting the Constitution does Megan have ideological differences? Oh, yes she did mention she does not like people over 65, they do not start revolutions. And remember, Uncle Harry says they 'stink."

Not sure yet if Megan is a RINO or liberal-lite. But as she continues to speak, obviously, she will tell us in her own opinionated words.  Megan also promised to tell her opinion of Sarah Palin in her soon to be released book. If there is war in in the GOP, it will be be because of neo-Republican like Megan. But just maybe she will pull a Hillary and be a Democrat.  Hint: liberals love her or at least her liberal leaning comments coming from the McCain family! Warning "The View" panel who loves Obama trashes Palin in the video.

Tags: Megan McCain, Sarah Palin, seniors, tea party, the view, Tom Tancredo, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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