Breaking News
Monday, February 15, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: Today was President's Day. But Who Cares! Well maybe the government workers, bank employees, those on school holiday, and a few others care - they weren't working. Over the last 40 years, give or take a few years, "political correctness" has eroded the value of prior holidays and has left us with today's meaningless holiday commemorating all of our past Presidents.

One great testimony to our Republic is that it has managed to survive most of the men that have been president. If we evaluated America based on the character, actions, and behavior of our dead and still living presidents, we would find ourselves most disappointed. Fortunately, in our Republic, the majority of Americans are actually better in character, actions and behavior than their "temporary" chief executives of the Federal Government.

However, there are a few former great presidents worth singling out as examples to our children. But "officially" these men of valor have been condemned to an amalgamation which is called President's Day. Holidays like George Washington's birthday are no longer officially celebrated. Those who occupy the city named after him and who walk among his images in the Capital have condemned him to be forgotten.

Teachers "once upon a time," at least until mid-1960's, celebrated George Washington's birthday and called him "The Father of His Country." Next Monday, on Feb 22nd, I will remember again this great man - hope you will join me.

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