Bill Smith, Editor:: Today, the Arkansas Republican Assembly (ARRA) held it's 2011 Annual Convention in Springdale, Arkansas. Representatives from Washington County, Benton County and Baxter County met at Front Porch Family Diner which provided excellent hosting services to the Convention delegates.
The convention lasted four hours. It opened with prayer and the pledge of allegiance. The delegates were seated and introductions made of delegates and guests. President Dr. Pat Briney reviewed the stated beliefs, principles and objectives of the Arkansas Republican Assembly. He identified to the visitors representing TEA Parties, Patriot Groups, potential candidates and college students that the ARRA is a "good gathering point for conservatives." He also discussed how the ARRA as a caucus group is "set up to confront liberal leaning conservatives."
Vice President Duane Neal discussed the activities by various ARRA members including those serving in positions with the Republican Party of Arkansas (RPA) and with county republican committees. Two members in attendance, Joe Leblanc and Duane Neil serve on the RPA Rules Committee and they and Collette Leblanc and serve as RPA State Committee. John Eves, President of the Hispanic Republican Assembly, is a member of the RPA State committee. Also identified were those who were serving as officers of County Republican Committees, County Republican Assemblies and as leaders in activist conservative groups.
Neal also identified that the National Federation of Republican Assembly (NFRA) Presidential Preference Convention Convention will be held at the Polk County Convention Complex on October 28-30 in Des Moines, Iowa. The ARRA is allowed 10 delegates and 3 alternates, Registration is $199 each and the local hotel is offering discounted rates for delegates for 2 nights. The committee voted to allow Dr. Briney, ARRA President, to coordinate and approve delegates as the ARRA will not meet again before the NFRA convention.
Neal also addressed the State RPA rules and deadline for filing to be a delegate to the Republican National Convention in August, 2012 in Tampa, Florida.
Dr. Bill Smith, President of the Baxter County Assembly, Baxter County Republican Committee Board member, 1st Congressional District Delegate, and Editor of the ARRA News Service, spoke on activism, new media opportunities. He detailed the outreach of the ARRA News Service and the recognized awards received in the last year. Smith discussed the supportive work by and gave credit to the TEA Parties, Patriot Groups and Americans For Prosperity Arkansas in advancing the awakening of conservatives in Arkansas and aiding the Republican gains in Arkansas in the 2010 elections.
Mike Sevack, Chairman of the Benton County Republicans,, member of the State RPA committee, member of the RPA Chairmmens' Committee, and President of the Benton County Republican Assembly discussed the work and coordination and support efforts of the local county assembly in fostering good members and aiding to keep the county committee focused on principles. As a small business owner, with several employees, Sevack identified the negative stress and problems presently placed on small business owners by the programs, regulations and laws advanced by the Obama administration and the the former Democrat controlled Congress. He also identified the need to keep focused on the legislative and bureaucratic actions of the State Government in Little Rock.
ARRA Treasure JD Chastain presented the treasure report and filed a copy with the secretary.
Several people in attendance identified that they would be filing for state legislative positions and county offices. Their names are not published herein as they will be issuing press releases at meetings with the public in the near future.
Dr. Briney identified that the NFRA President Rod Martin had been granted a seat on the National Republican Party. At the end of the meeting several members and guest shared opportunities for conservative involvement in upcoming events in Arkansas.
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Arkansas Republican Assembly 2011 Convention
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