Bill Smith, Editor: For all who still do not grasp the damage that third party candidates will do to America, the below cartoon my Tony Branco clearly illustrates the point. I challenge all who are lulled by those advocating alleged 3rd Party conservative candidates to look at both the people and the funding behind the proposed messaging for the candidate.
George Soros and the democratic progressive damage machine are actively working to splinter conservatives so as to assure a victory the incumbent failed president. Obviously, they are not openly advertising their effort. However, they will find people to do their dirty work sometimes without these people even knowing that they are being used. Many are unaware and distracted by the noticeable attack dogs. Remember the "devil comes as an angel of light" or at least in a form that will deceive others.
Populism is rampant. While independents and others may rightly argue that the GOP in the past has not always put forth the best options, where were these people in the decision making and support? Obviously, it was easier to let others take action. But, to focus on the past would only result in finger pointing right back. Let's just agree, thank God for an awakening especially via the groups like the TEA Parties.
While we are overrun with consequence of the Alinsky agenda and find it is difficult to focus on these numerous problems, we cannot lose track of the most critical issue. That critical issue is the complexity of the option for the 2012 presidential election: Obama or "Not Obama."
If you like the "change" that has occurred under Obama, vote for Obama, don't hide behind a 3rd Party candidate vote. If you disapprove of what has happened under Obama, understand that even if more people oppose Obama than support him in the 2012 Election, it will not matter at all if the "Not Obama" vote is fractured by third party candidates. The real result will be Obama wins.
Be assured, I support being conservative! But being conservative means different things to different people because the positions of many conservatives are based on outcomes and results verses a philosophy of principles and beliefs. That is why we have social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, economic conservatives, free market conservatives, smaller government conservatives, liberty conservatives, national defense conservatives, etc.
But being a conservative should not mean being stupid. And stupid is what the liberal progressives envision conservatives to be or hope that they will continue to be. They understand that conservative are sincere but they also know how to stroke the desired results when the conservative has no underlying principles or beliefs. They also believe that conservatives will most likely be unwilling o lay aside their differences to unite in a common effort to stop Obama. Yes, they know conservatives will focus on the negatives of the Obama agenda, but believe they lack the fortitude to unite to stop Obama. Notice how they even stir up issues on Fox News by pushing libertarian verses non-libertarian issues. They seek to separate conservatives by labeling results. If they are right, we are doomed.
Thus, the Democratic Progressive Liberal machine will continue to work to control their supporters while encouraging the rise of other splinter parties and candidates among conservatives. The supportive liberal news media will build up candidates and then tear them down in an effort to keep people from backing specific candidates in too large of numbers. While stopping conservative viewpoints on the liberal media, they have actively penetrated the "fair and balanced" cable news with liberals to promote their message and to mock conservatives. The goal is frustration and discouragement. Their liberal progressive agenda is to provoke conservatives to do what they have proven best at doing: to focus on their differences verses their common enemy.
Note how "the big money" today is currently tracking Obama and not other candidates. This is not because Obama is the best for America or that Obama is the most popular. The reason is because Obama is the incumbent and the very wealthy do not yet smell a loss in the winds for Obama. It is a situation which has played out many times in American history especially when people focused on populism verses principles. Barring George Soros efforts to be a king maker, the wealthy tend to back the person whom they perceive will be the winner.
Conservatives and independents are fractured. Conservative tribalism is destructive. As noted in history, the Native American Indians remained fractured, avoided and fought each other. As a result, small numbers of American military were able to penetrate and defeat them. It is more than obvious that Conservatives must be united if Obama is to be defeated.
Let's refocus on the most important point. The person who controls the entire Administration of the Federal Government is the President of the United States. Our current president does not evidence a love of America but instead seeks to reduce its stature as the greatest nation in the World by pushing the progressive liberal agenda which destroys individual freedom and liberty. Should Obama continue as president? If not, then we had best comprehend the truth summarized in the "Formula for Total Destruction" of the United States pictured by A.F. Branco:
Tags: 3rd Party, GOP, Media picks the republican, Obama, Obama campaign, obama; deception; seduction; constitution, conservatives, Bill Smith, A.F. Branco To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Formula for Total Destruction of the United States
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