Arkansas Unemployment Highest in 24 Years Thanks to the Democrats Policies of President Barack Obama and Gov. Mike Beebe |
These numbers are a stark reminder that the policies of President Obama and state Democrats are failing Arkansas. Under President Obama, our nation has lost 2.4 million jobs. Americans can’t afford another vacation or round of golf from the president, they need pro-growth policies that spur job creation instead of kill it. In Arkansas, rather than working to create business opportunities to put people back to work, state Democrats voted against job-creating legislation, like the Capital Gains Reduction Act of 2011.
Dipping into Your Pockets
Democrat Governor Mike Beebe was recently called out in a statewide editorial for refusing to acknowledge his hand in allowing state officials to double dip into the pockets of Arkansas taxpayers.
According to a news article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, over 500 state employees continue to collect two salaries for one job – by retiring then returning to the state payroll. A recent editorial recognized the need for serious improvement in the Arkansas Public Employee Retirement System stating, “Reforms are needed. But they’re not likely to be made so long as the boss-in this case, Governor Mike Beebe-doesn’t mind these end runs around the retirement system. And even aids and abets them.”
While we are fighting to overcome the highest unemployment in a generation, Governor Mike Beebe is orchestrating a corrupt political game that could be costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Arkansas Republicans believe in better. That’s why State Rep. Allen Kerr of Little Rock is spearheading the effort to pass legislation and take action to end this blatant disregard for the people of Arkansas.
READ MORE:Obamacare in ArkansasState Legislator To Request Interim Study on Double Dipping Governor Beebe Double Dips Into Pockets of Arkansans
During the 2011 legislative session, Republican lawmakers got to work and successfully prevented the early implementation of Obamacare in Arkansas by stalling legislation which would have authorized the creation of federally mandated health insurance exchanges.
As a result of Republican efforts, the state of Arkansas just recently turned down federal grant money to begin the implementation of the President’s healthcare overhaul, citing legislative opposition! This is a remarkable victory for conservatives! Until the Supreme Court rules on the law’s constitutionality, our state should not spend millions of taxpayer dollars implementing Obamacare.
Republican Party News
The Arkansas Federation of Young Republicans (AFYR) elected seven executive officers Saturday in Rogers at their 2011 State Convention. Their team will help ensure we have boots on the ground to carry out an effective statewide operation to elect Republicans at every level of government!
The Republican Party congratulates Lt. Governor Mark Darr for being named to the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal's 40 Under 40 list! Each year Northwest Arkansas Business Journal presents its Forty Under 40 List to recognize intriguing business and political leaders under 40.
Tags: Republican Party of Arkansas, RPA, Arkansas, unemployment, Governor, Mike Beebe, government executives, double dipping, Obamacare, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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