Due to the popularity of the various "Survivor" shows, Arkansas is planning the "Survivor, Arkansas Style!"
Eight non-resident contestants will start in Little Rock. They will drive to Mountain Home, Eureka Springs, Texarkana, back to Russellville and down to Magnolia. They will then proceed up to Fordyce, Hot Springs, Mena, Waldron, Fort Smith, and to Marshall. From there they will go on to Batesville, then to Jonesboro and finally back to Little Rock.
Each contestant will drive a Pink Volvo with large stickers on their cars that read: "I'm a Liberal," "Amnesty for Illegals" "I love the Dixie Chicks," "Military Are Murders," "Boycott Beef", "Buy Rice From China," "Voted for Obama", "George Strait Sucks," "Razorbacks Suck More," "Hillary in 2012," "Don't Fund The Sheriffs' Association." and ............. "I'm here to Confiscate Your Guns."
The first live contestant to complete the designated route in their Pink Volvo wins!.
Disclaimer: Contestants will be responsible for all expenses during the race, including bail bonds, fines, drug tests, injury to others, medical expenses, fuel, wrecker services and car repairs. Removal or the covering of stickers placed on the cars will disqualify the contestant.
H/T Mickey D. Pendergrass - slightly embellished.
Tags: Arkansas, Arkansas Survivor, liberals, Pink Volvos, satire, humor To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Survivor, Arkansas Style
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