Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton and former Defense Department official Dan Blumenthal have written an intere...
(Limbaugh) “Hope He Fails”
A.F. "Tony" Branco Tags: Rush Limbaugh 2008, Hope He Fails, Barack Obama, 2012, failed programs, A.F. Branco, political cartoon ...
Democrat Governor Advocates Violating the US Constitution and Suspending Elections
Pix / Article At A few days ago, Sept 27, 2011, North Carolina Democrat Governor Bev Perdue advanced the idea of suspending ...
Tell Congress to Stop the FCC Internet Takeover
Phil Kerpen, Chairman, Internet Freedom Coalition : In its efforts to impose crippling net neutrality regulations on the Internet—an idea wi...
So Long Solyndra And So Long $535 Million With More Being Wasted
With today's news that more Solyndra-style guaranteed loans are set to be distributed to companies tied to other prominent Democratic ba...
Will AG McDaniel Stand With Arkansans As Obamacare Suit Heads to SCOTUS?
Obama Administration, 26 other states ask for consideration of “frivolous” case Little Rock, Ark. – Republican Party of Arkansas Communic...
Crippling America
Bill Smith, Editor: As detailed in the below William Warren's cartoon, Barack Obama has already proclaimed that "Republicans will ...
The Unfolding American DOE Tragedy
Pix via: POOF EPA strikes again.. . by Sam Adams MMIV: : The amazing stories about failed solar panel manufacturer Solyndra and the loan pro...
Obama: 2012 Job Loss Greeting Card
A.F. "Tony" Branco : Tags: class warfare, jobs, job losses, Hallmark, Obama speech, Obama 2012, greeting card, political cartoon,...
U.S. Citizenship Should Not Be for Sale - Neither Should America
Bill Smith, Editor: A strong and outspoken voice for the welfare of America is 87 year old conservative Phyllis Schlafly. She speaks, writ...
EPA To Gut Energy Sources By 2012
Update: Aug 25, 2012: The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia [pdf copy] rejected an EPA rule known as the Cross...
Contrary To Obama's Promises, Health Premiums Rise
Today in Washington, D.C. - Congress is on Recess - Sept. 28, 2011: The Senate and the House are on Recess. The Senate will hold a pro-forma...
Further Proof that the Health Care Law Will Increase Premiums
Yesterday, we shared a post by Dan Greenberg addressing Arkansas Democrats continued interest in pushing for "A State Health Insurance...
Surprise, Surprise: ‘Health Premiums Rise Sharply’
by William Warren Despite President Obama’s Repeated Promises That His Health ‘Law Will Lower Premiums,’ Families And Employers Are Paying M...
Obama Advisors Raised Warning Flags Before Solyndra Bankruptcy
Cartoon by Jeff Parker Today in Washington, D.C. - Sept. 27, 2011: The Senate is in recess for the Jewish holidays and will reconvene for le...
Herman Cain’s New Face
A.F. Branco : Tags: Herman Cain, Herman Cain speech, Morgan Freeman, racism, tea party, A.F. Branco, political cartoon To share or post to...
Star Parker Takes the GOP Debates To Task
Bill Smith, Editor: Star Parker is one of the trench warfare conservative whom I hope to meet in person. She is ten years my junior, but wh...
Reid's Efforts To Shut Down The Government And To Oppose Trade Agreements
Today in Washington, D.C. - Sept. 26, 2011: On Friday, the Senate voted 59-36 to table a motion to concur with the House-passed CR. Today, ...
Arkansas Should Look Before It Leaps Into A State Health Insurance Exchange
Christian Olson, an AAI Analyst, has advised that "Today the Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Jay Bradford will ask the legislature to e...
U.S. Rivals Japan for World’s Highest Corporate Tax Rate
Robert Bluey, Heritage Foundation : Republicans and Democrats on the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction this week finally agreed on...