Bill Smith, Editor: The below article caught my attention when Erick Erickson opened with the statement that he had sinned by watching MSNBC. Last night many Conservatives did so as well and I expect that only extreme liberals (except for the debate hosts) stayed away. The debate was watched by watched by 5.4 million viewers which was slightly more than more than the 5.0 million viewers who watched the Fox News Channel's Aug. 11 Republican debate. However, it was far more than June's CNN's which had 3.1 million viewers. Appear to me that Americans are very interested in looking for a new president.
Erickson's opinion on the debate was titled "Perry verses Romney." MSNBC evidenced they were most interested in ratings but not interested in offering their viewers a more comprehensive view of all candidates. Instead they focused on drama by focusing primarily on Perry and Romney. Not only did MSNBC and Politico omit some Republican candidates, they failed to give the candidates who attended a fair opportunity to present their positions in enough detail to garner more support or to potentially self-destruct and thus remove themselves from the race.
While I do not envision Newt Gingrich being the Republican nomination, I was pleased that Newt chastised the media on their efforts to pit candidates against each other. Also, I agree in general with Erikson's opinion on the performance of the candidates in yesterday's debate. But, I will insert some comments.
Erick Erickson, RedState: Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I gave MSNBC ratings. But in doing so I can say this is a two man race — Perry vs. Romney. It is also clear in this first debate that Perry is the front runner now. I would still prefer to have a few more debates on this before declaring it, but below I’ll explain why it is clear he is whether I want to think so or not.
The most shocking bit of the whole debate was at the very end. I felt a great disturbance in the Force as if millions of Republicans cried out in terror and suddenly realized they were watching MSNBC. [Such agony!]
First, I don’t think Perry had as strong a performance tonight as he could have. He stumbled several times. Romney had a stronger performance — the strongest of anyone on stage in fact. But then, Romney has been in this dog and pony show since 2007. Perry is just stepping up to this level. He made no major mistakes, but could have been stronger on the HPV issue and a few other issues. [Agree]
Second, it is clear Perry is the front runner given the pile on from the other candidates. It was not just pushed by MBNBC and the Politico. The other candidates took willful potshots against Rick Perry. Perry, despite some stumbles and the pile on by the moderators and other participants, held his own and will only get stronger the more of these he does. And if he doesn’t? Goodbye frontrunner status. [Perry may have difficulty with independent voters regardless of his positions because when Perry speaks, his voice often sounds like former president George W. Bush.]
Third, Michele Bachmann’s star has faded. The recognition of this is the reporter focus on Perry v. Romney buttressed by Bachmann’s own outgoing campaign manager, Ed Rollins, that the race was a two man race between Perry and Romney. [I like Michele Bachmann's faithfulness to the conservative message. If not a presidential contender, we still need her in Congress or in a Republican administration. Maybe she should could be the first "Cut the Gov't Czar!"]
Fourth, Newt Gingrich. What an intellect. What a mind. What a debater. What might have been. [Newt is not presidential for many reasons. Some are too distasteful to mention here but would be death for him as a leader of our country. But, I like the way his intellect stirs the issues. He should continue his professorial role and speaking tours.]
Fifth, I am thankful I did not somehow get on tonight’s rapid response email list for all the candidates. Usually I am. Tonight, the only campaign doing aggressive rapid response into my email inbox is the Paul campaign. And 100% of his rapid response emails attacked Rick Perry.
Sixth, Warner Brothers wants Marvin the Martian back in Looney Tunes. Thus ends the Ron Paul campaign. [Ron Paul's efforts and poll ratings are maintained by his loyal followers. Libertarians generally love him. He has shaped the debate with his steady focus on expansive and abusive government. At age 76. he is like a wise grandfather to many. However, today's America is not going to elect a 77 year old president.]
Finally, I think Mitt Romney’s “play it safe” strategy is about to come crashing down on his. In the exchange between Perry and Romney on social security and ponzi schemes, Perry gave a less than stellar answer. But Romney then tried to pile on by rejecting the idea that social security is a failure. [Perry was correct about social security having operated as a Ponzi scheme with the Government "misusing" the funds paid by American workers. However, social security cannot go away at least for the generations that has already trusted their government with their futures. Perry stumbled on this one; he will need to adjust his rhetoric on this issue. He also stumbled on approaching the elder Ron Paul.]
Republicans should pay attention to this. Mitt Romney proclaimed making several generations of Americans dependent on the federal government for their retirement a success. That may play well to Washington, D.C. But it increasingly doesn’t even play well with senior citizens worried about their grandchildren’s futures.
[Herman Cain, an experienced business CEO, and others were not given adequate time. If not the GOP presidential candidate, Cain should be part of a future Republican administration that down sizes wasteful processes and needless offices in the Federal government.
Finally, MSNBC allowing former Gov. Jon Huntsman to be in the debate was an insult to former Gov. Gary Johnson who was not permitted in the debate. Based on comments and positions by both candidates, Johnson is conservative and Huntsman is moderate to liberals. If Ron Paul was not in the race, many of his supporters would be supporting Gov. Johnson.]
Tags: MSNBC, debate, presidential debate, Erick Erickson, remarks, RedState, Bill Smith To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Erickson: Forgive me Father, for I have sinned
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