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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Info Post
Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: President Obama is hitting the campaign trail, going to the critical swing state of Ohio to sell his American Jobs Act. But a truth in labeling law would require the Administration to call the bill "Obama's Job Act." It has nothing to do with creating new jobs and everything to do with helping Obama save his job!

After claiming for days that the nearly $500 billion proposal is fully paid for, we've learned that Obama is demanding more tax hikes that not even a Democrat Congress would agree to. Just 10 months ago (not exactly ancient history) the Democrat-controlled Congress voted to renew the Bush tax cuts and not to raise taxes on anyone. Why does Obama think the Republican-controlled House would raise taxes when his own party would not?

Do you recall during the debt limit debate when the House GOP passed "Cut, Cap and Balance"? The media were incredulous. Every commentator panned the effort as a "waste of time," because the bill stood no chance in Harry Reid's Senate. What did Obama just do? He sent a bill to Capitol Hill that stands no chance of passing. Yet today we're told that "politics is standing in the way" of Obama's brilliant plan.

Here's what you need to understand: Obama doesn't want the bill to pass. This is not about creating new jobs for Americans -- it's a campaign strategy to save his job! That is why Obama is on the campaign trail today.

Obama wants to convince voters that he is for teachers, while Republicans are for "millionaires and billionaires." He is for new schools, but the GOP is for "corporate jet owners." Obama is for the middle class, and Republicans are for hedge fund managers. It's class warfare again, and these themes will be the centerpiece of his reelection campaign.

Here are two more points to consider.

First, I know everyone likes getting a break on their Social Security payroll taxes. But right now Republicans generally, and Gov. Perry specifically, are getting crucified for suggesting that the program is in need of reform.

Yet for the second year in a row, Obama and his Democrat allies are taking billions out of the Social Security system in order to buy votes. Obama is telling audiences that he has given them the largest tax cut in history -- an absurd claim that earned Obama "four Pinocchios" from the Washington Post. Who really has the best interests of Social Security at heart?

Second, liberal pundits are doing their best in these presidential debates to pigeonhole Republicans as extremists for refusing to raises taxes to reduce the deficit. Again, what did Obama just do?

Will his half trillion dollars in new tax hikes go to reduce the deficit? No. It's for another round of stimulus spending. And we're having this debate today because Obama's previous $800 billion stimulus bill failed so miserably. Perhaps this one will only fail half as badly. The editors of USA Today were not impressed -- calling it "Jobs plan déjà vu."

Your liberal friends will attempt to turn the tables on you, asking rhetorically, "If you don't support Obama's plan, what is yours?" Here is the answer:

Economic growth has stopped because there is a crisis of confidence among consumers and employers. This is caused by America's growing debt and the fear of higher taxes. It is being stoked by images on the TV of riots in Greece and England (the results of failed socialist states) and by a president who continually gets on TV to demand higher taxes. Our jobs plan is to get Obama out of office, so we can cut spending, cut regulations and lower taxes!

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. Recovery begins when Obama loses his!
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families.

Tags: Obama, job, jobs, Keeping His Job, Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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