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Thursday, September 22, 2011

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On The President’s ‘Campaign’ Stop At The Ohio River

‘The President’s Staff Acknowledged The Political Nature Of His Own Trip’

“The bridge, which is badly in need of replacement, serves one of the busiest trucking routes in the country. But that isn’t why Obama was there.”(“With Bridge As Backdrop, Obama Defends Tax Hike,” Los Angeles Times, 9/22/11)

“The campaign has begun.” (Chuck Todd, MSNBC, 9/22/11)

“The Democratic president… made clear he had chosen the backdrop in order to make a political point...” (“Obama Uses Aging Bridge In Push For Jobs Plan,” Reuters, 9/22/11)

“…the president’s staff acknowledged the political nature of his own trip — and their hope that he will benefit from it.” (“Obama Visits Boehner's Backyard,” Politico, 9/22/11)

‘No Dedicated Funding In The Jobs Bill For The Bridge’

“…no guarantee that this specific project would be funded.” (“President Obama Speaks About Jobs Package In Cincinnati,” The Toledo Blade, 9/22/11)

“…will it actually guarantee funding for the aged and overused Brent Spence Bridge? Not really, say transportation experts and highway officials.” (“Experts Say Obama's Visit Won't Help Bridge,” The Cincinnati Enquirer, 9/22/11)

“…there’s no dedicated funding in the jobs bill for the bridge.” (“With Bridge As Backdrop, Obama Defends Tax Hike,” Los Angeles Times, 9/22/11)

‘Obama Jobs Bill Doesn’t Apply,’ ‘Not Shovel Ready’

“Oops, Obama touts his jobs plan today at an Ohio bridge that won't qualify.” “The president's jobs bill is designed for ‘immediate’ highway spending. And the new $2.3 billion Cincy bridge is not scheduled to even start construction for probably four years...” (“Oops, Obama Touts His Jobs Plan Today At An Ohio Bridge That Won't Qualify,” Los Angeles Times, 9/22/11)

“Highway officials say their bridge replacement plans not ready to hire workers till 2013 or later - so Obama jobs bill doesn't apply.” (CBS’ Mark Knoller Twitter, 9/22/11)

“…despite the attention given by Obama, the timetable suggests it is not ‘shovel ready’ and won't spur increased employment right away. According to a project schedule posted online, construction work is scheduled to begin in January 2015. Prior to that date, officials will spend 18 months acquiring right of way for the new span.” (“A Bridge Too Far? Obama Travels to Ohio Bridge That's Not 'Shovel Ready' to Push Jobs Bill,” ABC News, 9/22/11)

“…that's what the spokeswoman for the Ohio Department of Transportation told me. That this really isn't the best example of a shovel ready bridge or a shovel ready project.” (Brianna Keilar, CNN, 9/22/11)

“Remember when the President referred to the last stimulus projects saying they ‘weren't as shovel ready as he had hoped?’ Well, this may be another example of the same problem.” (“Reality Check: Someone Needs To Tell The President The Brent Spence Bridge Is Not Shovel Ready,” WXIX Fox News [Cincinnati & N. Kentucky], 9/21/11)

See Prior Article on this issue: Cincinnati Isn’t Convinced, Mr. President - Bridge Is ‘Not Shovel Ready’

Tags: White House, news, clips, Cincinnati, shovel ready, jobs, Barack Obama To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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