Breaking News
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Info Post
Update: Aug 25, 2012:   The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia [pdf copy] rejected an EPA rule known as the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). The rule was supposed to have gone into effect at the beginning of 2012, but the same court had previously stayed its implementation on procedural grounds. Last week’s ruling is the first to address CSAPR on its merits.

CSAPR governed emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) from Midwestern coal-fired power plants, many of them Electric Cooperatives, and other sources. SO2, along with oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and others is a precursor of acid rain, which causes widespread environmental damage not only in the states where the sources are located, but also those downwind.
Bill Smith, Editor: Many people, especially in rural America, are about to experience a rude awakening with serious reduced access to energy. Why? Because as Frank York discusses below, under President Barack Obama, "the EPA is going to gut the coal industry by shutting down 20% of the plants by 2012." . . . "How many blackouts or brownouts will occur because of EPA’s over regulation? How many jobs will be lost? How many families will be destroyed? These are the unseen consequences of shutting down coal plants." And the liberal / socialists in control of the Obama administration and the EPA, do not care. There goal is to "break as many windows as possible."

Liberals subscribe to the
"broken window fallacy"
of economic growth
Frank York at has the info: Susan Kraemer, a columnist for the “green” web site Technica, is encouraged that the EPA is going to gut the coal industry by shutting down 20% of the plants by 2012.

According to Kraemer, the EPA will shut down these plants by imposing a ground-level ozone rule (the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). It is estimated that the cost of this rule will amount to $130 billion. Kraemer is thrilled about it.

In fact, she thinks this will be a great boon for our economy because it will be a bonanza for environmental industries. Yes. Destroy our vibrant energy base and provide billions to fund leftist green wackos. That’s liberal logic for you.

She has subscribed to the liberal nonsense that conservatives have termed the “broken window fallacy.” This fallacy was explained years ago by economist Henry Hazlitt in Economics In One Lesson. The theory goes like this: If a vandal breaks a window in a bakery, it may be bad for the baker, but it is great news for the window installer. So, according to liberal thinking, the more windows that are broken, the better it is for everyone. The broken window may benefit the window installer, but the baker hasn’t benefited. He gets his window replaced, but he has lost money he would have used to buy bakery products from others in the community so he can make cakes and donuts. But, according to Hazlitt, liberals like Kraemer don’t see the unseen damage that is done to a community when vandals break windows.

Kraemer doesn’t apparently care about the severe economic destruction that will take place in America if 20% of our coal plants are shut down by 2012.
How many blackouts or brownouts will occur because of EPA’s over regulation? How many jobs will be lost? How many families will be destroyed? These are the unseen consequences of shutting down coal plants. But, of course, liberals like Kraemer can only see the benefit that this will be to the radical green movement’s effort to take down our economic system.

If Lisa Jackson and President Obama’s real goal is to turn America into a Third World nation, they’re doing an excellent job so far. Imagine what four more years of Obama in the White House and Jackson at the EPA will mean for us. Get your survival food, propane tanks, and water purifiers ready. Obama and Jackson are breaking as many windows as they can.

Tags: EPA, CSAPR, coal plants, reduced energy, breaking windows, EPA abuse, Obama administration, To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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