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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

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Hey, Obama already bought the signs!
Now, he need you to fund jobs for the signs.
Senate Democrats Are Blocking President Obama’s New Stimulus Despite His Nationwide Tour Urging Them To ‘Pass It Right Away’

PRESIDENT TODAY: ‘At Least Put This Jobs Bill Up For A Vote’

PRESIDENT OBAMA:“…at least put this jobs bill up for a vote so that the entire country knows exactly where every Member of Congress stands.” (President Obama, Speech Excerpts, 10/4/11)

SEN. REID OBJECTS: ‘Right Away Is A Relative Term’

SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “Right away is a relative term… I object.” (Sen. Harry Reid, Floor Remarks, 10/4/11)

PRESIDENT URGES: ‘Pass The Bill,’ ‘Right Away,’ ‘Immediately,’ ‘Right Now,’ ‘No Delays’

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “I want Congress to pass this jobs bill right away.” (President Obama, Remarks, Alexandria, VA, 9/16/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Destiny needs us to pass this jobs bill.” (President Obama, Weekly Address, 10/1/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “What on Earth are you waiting for?” (President Obama, Remarks On The American Jobs Act, Denver, CO, 9/27/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Pass this bill! Pass the bill!” (President Obama, Remarks, Cincinnati, OH, 9/22/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It’s been several weeks now since I sent up the American Jobs Act. And as I’ve been saying on the road, I want it back. I’m ready to sign it.” (President Obama, Remarks Before Cabinet Meeting, 10/3/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Now, you may have heard me say this a few times before -- I’ll say it again: Pass the bill. Enough gridlock. Enough delay. Enough politics. Pass this bill.” (President Obama, Remarks, Washington D.C., 10/1/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “It is time for Congress to get its act together and pass this jobs bill so I can sign it into law.” (President Obama, Weekly Address, 10/1/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “I’ve already got the pens all ready, all lined up on my desk, ready to sign the bill.” (President Obama, Remarks On The American Jobs Act, Denver, CO, 9/27/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Pass the jobs bill. I need your help to tell Congress to pass this jobs bill right now…” (President Obama, Remarks At DNC Event, West Hollywood, CA, 9/27/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Congress should pass this bill right away… make it happen right now.” (President Obama, Remarks, Seattle, WA, 9/26/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “No delays. I’m sending this bill to Congress today, and they ought to pass it immediately.” (President Obama, Remarks, Rose Garden, 9/12/11)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: “Next week, I will send it to Congress. They should pass it right away.” (President Obama, Remarks, Richmond, VA, 9/9/11)

Tags: Barack Obama, Stimulus, jobs bill, democrats, blocking bill, quotes, road signs, jobs, taxpayers broke, more debt To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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