Breaking News
Monday, June 25, 2012

Info Post
Jim Jordan, Chairman, Republican Study Committee: [This week], the Supreme Court will announce its ruling on an unworkable, unpopular, and – I believe – unconstitutional law. But no matter how the Court rules on ObamaCare, the law will always be bad policy. It will make health care even more expensive and push many businesses to hire fewer people and stop offering insurance to their employees.

Even if the Court rules the individual mandate or other provisions unconstitutional, it could leave much of the law intact. Whatever remains after Thursday should be completely repealed. We can then start over and take the time to get health care reform right with strong public support. We don’t need a complicated, 2,700-page law to make health care more affordable. We just need to put the decision-making power in the hands of patients and families.

There are a number of simple, common sense ways to do this. One you may not have heard much about is tax reform. For decades, employer-sponsored insurance has received a tax break not given to health insurance bought on the individual market. That means the federal government encourages us to carry insurance that disappears if we lose or change our jobs. People should not pay a penalty for using their own money to find coverage that fits their needs and continues from one job to another. We should treat insurance the same no matter how it’s purchased.

As you wait for the Court to release its decision, you can read about many other ideas for reform proposed by RSC members in this 27-page document.
Editor's Note: Those Watching ObamaCare: note that the "The number of pages depends on font size, line spacing, and margins. . . . Obamacare bill was over 2,000 pages long. This was true when it was in bill form. But now that it has been signed into law, its statute form is just 961 pages. But because Obamacare has the same number of words no matter how you format it, word count is a more accurate way of calculating its length. Just how long is 2,163,744 words? The epic novel War and Peace is only 560,000 words long. Atlas Shrugged weighs in at 645,000 words."

Regrdless, it appears that reading the RSC proposed 27 pages will be a lot easier to digest.

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