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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Info Post
"The private sector's doing fine" - President Obama, June 8, 2012
Americans For Prosperity With 40 straight months of unemployment above 8%, 12.7 million unemployed, and 15 trillion in debt, how can President Obama be so out of touch? The private sector is not doing fine. Tell President Obama to support the Americans for Prosperity Jobs Agenda.

Americans For Prosperity: It's important to remember that any agenda to create jobs must focus on economic growth. Jobs are created through vibrant private-sector economic activity, not big government jobs programs that are funded on the backs of hardworking, taxpaying Americans. A tax-and-spend redistributionist plan will never create long-lasting stable job growth.

America must Restore a Competitive Tax and Regulatory Environment
  • Reform the tax code to remove distortions that allow politicians to manipulate individuals’ decisions and give preferential treatment to favored industries (read more)
  • Lower the corporate tax rate and switch to a territorial tax system that will encourage domestic investment and the free flow of capital (read more)
  • Avoid double and triple taxation of the same dollar by repealing the death tax (read more)
  • Rein in the EPA’s abuse of its regulatory authority, including efforts to shut down the coal industry and regulate greenhouse gases without congressional authorization (read more here and here)
  • Repeal the Dodd-Frank financial regulations that purportedly dealt with “too big to fail” but instead created costly and ineffective layers of bureaucracy (read more)
  • Protect the American worker from the NLRB’s big union agenda (read more)
America must Repeal the President's Health Care Takeover
  • The President’s health care law is making it more expensive for businesses to add workers. It must be repealed in order to alleviate the so-called employer mandate and the corresponding tax hikes (read more)
  • Oppose implementation of health care exchanges that will give the federal government control over state health care marketplaces (read more)
America must Tackle Runaway Spending that is Driving our Debt Crisis
  • Government spending is producing massive amounts of debt that is crippling our nation’s economic future (read more)
  • Businesses aren't confident to invest and expand in the United States because of our nation’s dismal debt outlook
  • We need to put the country on a sustainable fiscal path by reforming Medicare, block granting federal welfare programs like Medicaid and allowing optional personal retirement accounts in Social Security (read more here and here)

Tags: AFP, Americans for Prosperity, Obama, President Obama, private sector, economy, doing fine, unemployment national debt, AFP jobs agenda To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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