Breaking News
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Info Post
by John Anderson, The Citizens Journal: "Shock - Gas Prices Could Affect Sales Tax Revenue" We could take about 15 to 20 cents off each gallon of gas immediately if Beebe was actually trying to do something about gas prices. . . . Beebe should be pushing to reduce taxes on fuel not promoting bio-fuels which is causing the price of gas to go up, not down. It's also causing food shortages and food prices to go up likely offsetting any tax decrease we received on groceries last session. Tax decreases on fuel is something he can do right now . . . [Read More]

ARRA Editor: John makes an excellent point! Gov. Beebe has already asked the President and Congress to examine price fixing by nationally petroleum companies. But Beebe has yet to show leadership to reduce fuel taxes to help Arkansas families to have money for goods and services. He is not holding up the welcome sign to critically needed tourist dollars by evidencing cheaper gas in Arkansas. Also, has anyone else noticed that with the rising cost of oil and gas, the cost of utilities has risen and the State and local governments are getting a windfall in sales taxes due to the higher utility bills?

Tags: Arkansas, fuel tax, Mike Beebe, sales tax, utility costs


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