Breaking News
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Info Post
Charlie Reese: The so-called immigration reform bill is amnesty. It provides favors and rewards for people who have broken our laws. If it is passed, it will — like the previous amnesty — send a message around the world: Cross the borders illegally and you will eventually be rewarded. Rather than invite more immigrants in, Congress should declare a moratorium on all immigration, both legal and illegal. We can't absorb the number of immigrants who are currently pouring into the country year after year . . . .

It isn't just angelic poor people who cross our borders illegally — it's drug dealers, criminal gangs and, no doubt, terrorists. Thanks to our stupid policy, we now have a Russian mafia and some very vicious Latino gangs. Why should the American people be taxed to pay for the high costs of crime and the welfare costs that are a direct result of immigration? True immigration reform must be done in stages. Stage One is to seal the border and enact harsh punishment for those employers who hire illegal immigrants. . . .

If you don't think uncontrolled immigration is a problem, ask a Sioux or a Comanche or an Apache. Our European ancestors took this country away from Native Americans, and they did it with mass migration. We can be overwhelmed, just like they were. We are 300 million Americans in a world of 6 billion. Let us not make the same mistake Native Americans made of welcoming newcomers, lest, like the Native Americans, we end up as remnants on reservations and in ghettoes. Better send a strong message to your congressmen and senators before they sell the country right out from under you. [Read More] Contact your senators! Contact your representatives!


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