Breaking News
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Info Post
HB2120 - Voter ID Act - was deferred my a majority vote in the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs. The bill would have required voters to show photo ID issued by the Arkansas or US government at the polls. The deferment may be the death for this bill if it is not taken up and reconsidered. Current state law requires poll workers to ask voters to provide identification. However, a voter may bring an electric bill, phone bill or other type bill to prove who they are to vote. Voters may show a voter registration card which offers no picture or signature. It can be printed on a home computer. Voters may show their business id badges as proof even though these again may be forged or invalid. Voters can still cast a ballot even if they do not provide identification.

Loop holes to fraudulent voting need to be stopped especially with 11 to 20 million illegal immigrants (aliens) living in the U.S. The Pew Hispanic Center in Washington, D. C., a nonpartisan research organization, estimates that 40, 000 illegal aliens of different ethnic backgrounds lived in Arkansas in 2004. Also past historical experiences of dead people and others voting improperly, evidences it is time for proper identification. Some fear that the Federal Court would override such legislation. Regardless, our legislators must take "right actions" to protect the registered voters by assuring they are the only ones voting on election day. Every vote by legally registered voter who can be properly identified at the polls should count! Contact your Representatives and let's get HB2120 to the House for a full discussion and vote on this issue.

Tags: Arkansas, illegal immigrants, voter fraud, voter id, voting


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