Lawsuit threatened after Washington state high school kids punished for praying on their own time.
by Wendy Cloyd, CitizenLink: The non-profit legal group Liberty Counsel is asking Heritage High School officials, Vancouver, Wash., located on the state’s southern border, to reverse their suspension of 12 Christian students for meeting in the cafeteria during non-instructional time to pray. After a Satanist student approached school administrators to complain about the prayer group, Vice Principal Alex Otoupal told the Christians they could no longer meet.
Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel, said the students might not have been punished if they had met for just about any other reason. "These are students who, if they wanted to gather together and talk about American Idol or talk about whatever subject they wanted to and [there would be] no problem," Staver said. "But in this case they were told not to gather anymore -- ever -- because they wanted to gather together and pray." What the school did is clearly and blatantly illegal . . . . [Read More]
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Twelve Students Suspended for Praying Before School
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