Breaking News
Friday, December 7, 2007

Info Post
The American Conservative Union: Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an energy bill, H.R. 6, that included a $21 billion tax on domestic energy producers. The Senate is now considering the same bill that could have disastrous implications for consumers. If agreed to by the Senate, would:

  • RAISE ENERGY PRICES, INCLUDING HOME HEATING OIL & GASOLINE: Taxes on energy production actually work against energy security and increase imports, as domestically produced energy becomes more expensive than imported supplies. Policies that act as disincentives for oil and natural gas production will ultimately hurt businesses and consumers by driving supply down and prices up.

  • DECREASE DOMESTIC ENERGY PRODUCTION: Increasing taxes on U.S. companies will effectively ensure that they will have less money available to reinvest in exploration, new technology and refining improvements that will help to meet more of our present and future energy needs with domestic energy supplies.

  • GRANT A SUBSIDY TO FOREIGN ENERGY PRODUCERS: If Congress places additional taxes on domestically-produced energy, the net effect will be the creation of a subsidy for foreign competitors. Congress should be taking steps to help make American businesses more viable in the world market – not less.

  • If Speaker Pelosi's energy bill passes in the Senate, consumers will pay the price with higher energy prices! Contact your senators!

    Tags: energy bill, Nancy Pelosi, US House, US Senate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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