Special Editorial by Robert W. McDowell, Jr., Professional Geologist & VP OKRA: It has been a continual source of frustration to me that the"enviro-fascists" and political opportunists, along with their media supporters, have shouted an extreme description of the results of a possible "global warming." It has long been my observation, as a geologist and from the geological records, that a warmer world-wide climate would result in major additions to the rain forests and much greater crop production, as well as probably reduction, or even disappearance, of the deserts of the World. This opinion has been stated often, to whoever would listen. Now comes an "AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) distinguished lecturer who would appear to be in agreement.
In the Dec. 2007 issue of the OUTCROP, a publication of the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists announcing the Dec. 7, 2007 Monthly luncheon speaker subject to being "Crocodiles in Greenland and Hippos in London: A Fossil-Fueled Tour of Past and Future Climates" by Kirk Johnson, Denver Museum of Nature and Science. In the preface carried in the issue, it is stated that "The earth's climate is driven by the inter action of solar energy with land, sky, and oceans. It further states that "Most of Earth history has occurred during greenhouse conditions when there were no polar ice caps". (Note: there were no humans to produce greenhouse gases).This has been determined from studies of the rocks and fossils in the geologic records. Much of this was studied and published as early, and probably earlier, as the 1940's. The present coal seams as far North as Pennsylvania and Wyoming are testimony that there were tropical swamps and rain forests that far North in past geologic time.
If these records were paid any attention, it would become apparent that the 'doom and gloom' and wild claims made by those who would terrify the public into the stupid, expensive, ineffective actions demanded are arrogant and worthless. One wonders about the purposes that drive those individuals and groups, such as Al Gore, Greenpeace and such. Their goals seem to be to destroy, or cripple, the roaring economy of the US. Such action on the part of US citizens could, and would in past decades, be construed as treason, but not in our "politically correct" society. It is sad that they are allowed to continually shout false propositions as "fact" without a determined effort to refute their lies.
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