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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Info Post
Update 12/11/07: NBC reversed course and decided to run television ad thanking U.S. troops. In a statement, NBC said:"We have reviewed and changed our ad standards guidelines and made the decision that our policy will apply to content only and not to a referenced Web site. Based on these amended standards the Freedom's Watch ad will begin to run as early as Sunday." [Read full text of article] Bradley A. Blakeman, President & C.E.O of Freedom's Watch said, "This reversal by NBC didn't happen by accident. The network chose to review its policies only after thousands of supporters visited to sign the petition and called NBC to ask the network to stop their descriminatory actions and support our troops. Now we're asking you to use the power of that collective voice to say thank you. Please visit our Web site to find out how YOU can support the troops this holiday season, and sign the card to wish them a happy holidays."

President of Freedom’s Watch, Brad Blakeman, issued a letter to John Kelly of NBC to express their deep disappointment in the station’s decision not to air their new ads thanking the troops for their service. Freedom Watch ads are their way to express appreciation for the sacrifices the troops make. Hat Tip to TexasFred for sharing his Hat Tip given to Charming, Just Charming for the lead on this story: after reviewing the video read "WHY the idiots at NBC" will not run the paid ad:

WASHINGTON - NBC has rejected a TV ad by Freedom’s Watch, a conservative group that supports administration policy in Iraq, that asks viewers to remember and thank U.S. troops during the holiday season.

NBC said it declined to air the ad because it refers to the group’s Web site, which the network said was too political, not because of the ad’s message.

“Anybody in the world who would look at this ad would come away with nothing other than we should be thankful for their service,” Freedom’s Watch president Brad Blakeman said.

The spot was to be part of a seven-figure campaign that includes newspaper ads and television commercials. The ads are to run on CNN and Fox News Channel and are running in various newspapers. The New York Times ran a full-page Freedom’s Watch ad Friday that said “Thank You!” and depicted a soldier reading a letter. The newspaper ad also contained the Web site address. [Full Story Here]

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