by Ryan Norris, Pulaski County GOP Committee Chairman : As a child, I spent my summers on my grandparent’s farm and fishing in their stock ...
IRAQ MIA Army Spec. Matt Maupin Body Found
Rest in Peace Matt, you served bravely and you did your duty, you’re coming home now, and your Mom and Dad can have some peace in just knowi...
The Film Vs. The Faith
by Gary Bauer : After months of controversy, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders was finally able to release his film critical of Islam cal...
Chris Hackett
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor : Without conservatives stepping forward this year to challenge Arkansas three "unlimited government" dem...
Alan Keyes Breaks Word & Ranks With GOP
Alan Keyes who has continually identified himself as a Republican, filed as a Republican in various primaries, and "fished" in GOP...
Jim Holt Seeks Support for Arkansas Adoption & Foster Care Act
Jim Holt, Former Arkansas State Senator: Things are going extremely well and my family and I have been enjoying a much, needed rest. Aft...
Obama - higher taxes are good
by Andrew Malcolm and Mark Silva, Los Angeles Times: Sen. Barack Obama went after the "We're not paying enough taxes to the govern...
Mike Beebe vs. Your Family Budget
by Mark Moore, Arkansas Watch : Families are hurting in Arkansas, but our state government is sitting on piles of extra money- this year al...
New Proof of Reagan's Wisdom
by Phyllis Schlafly : The U.S. Navy gave Ronald Reagan a dramatic 25th anniversary gift on February 21. A Navy missile raced into outer spa...
California Court Vacated Its Homeschool Decision
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council : Common sense has finally prevailed in California, the site of one of the nation's most disgrace...
Blogs For Borders
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: In the past, we have posted some of the exceptional videos that address illegal immigration and are developed by J...
SamSphere Chicago 2008
The ARRA News Service will be represented at SamSphere Chicago 2008 this weekend. As identified by Jenn Sierra at Fort Hard Knox : "I...
Video of the Day
H/T to NewsBusters : Hillary Speaks from the past and judges herself and Bill: Tags: Hillary Clinton, News Busters, political video, Politi...
The Three Stooges Meet The Butcher
by Bob Parks, Outside the Wire : Now, this kind of stinks, don't it? According to the Associated Press, "Saddam Hussein's inte...
Stingy Senators Stiff GOP
by Alexander Bolton, The Hill : Republican senators with millions of dollars in their campaign accounts have given little or nothing to the...
Porker of the Month: Senators Who Voted Against Earmark Moratorium
For protecting their personal pet projects at the expense of the national interest, Citizens Against Government Waste has named all 71 senat...
Hunter Announce as GOP Candidates for State Offices
Former State Senator Gary Hunter of Mountain Home announced he will be a Republican candidate for State Representative District 81: Hunter,...
A Crisis That Is Here to Stay
The Foundry, Morning Bell : The Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees released their annual financial review yesterday, finding ...
Gallup Poll: Democrats may vote for John McCain
by Frank Newport, Gallup Poll : A sizable proportion of Democrats would vote for John McCain next November if he is matched against the can...
Iraq’s Unheralded Political Progress
by Jason Gluck, Foreign Policy : We’ve been hearing for months that the U.S. troop surge has been a security success and a political failur...
Nancy Reagan Endorses John McCain : Former first lady Nancy Reagan endorsed Arizona Senator John McCain's presidential campaign in a move McCain said would...
Arkansas GOP Behavior Obstructionist
Letter to the Editor by Richard Hughes, IV: I have tried long enough to restrain myself as I have watched the leadership of the Republican ...
Arkansas Jack's Wisdom On the Special Session to Raise Taxes
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Although I prefer a more perfect conservative world of less government interference, less taxes, etc.. I'm for...
GOP Should Focus On The Right, Not Wright
Star Parker. GOPUSA : Hillary Rodham Clinton has reason to be a happy camper. Over recent days, for the first time in months, she has moved...
Guard presence on Mexican border to end this summer
by Arthur H. Rotstein, AP (El Paso Times) : A program that has rotated thousands of National Guardsmen along the Mexican border to augment ...
Obama 'hiding anti-Israel stance'
Israel National News : Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama is currently hiding his anti-Israel views in order to get elected,...
Hillary's Whopper
Gary Bauer : We've focused a lot in the past week on Senator Barack Obama's credibility, but we haven't forgotten about Hillary...
GOP state parties struggle
by David Paul Kuhn and Charles Mahtesian, Politico : At a time when the GOP presidential nominee will need more assistance than ever, a num...
McCain & His Pastor
Washington Post - Ed Stoddard, Reuters : John McCain's Phoenix pastor, Dan Yeary, is a folksy patriotic Southern Baptist who opposes ab...
Happy Easter 2008
The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He has ri...
Merging of the U.S. Canadian Military
Update - See: U.S. Northern Command, Canada Command establish new bilateral Civil Assistance Plan Photo by U.S. Army North Public Affairs ...
The Next Black President Won't Be A Democrat
by Bob Parks, Outside the Wire : While drinking my morning coffee, I watched an editorial from the president and general manager of our lo...
March 31 Special Session for Severance Tax Increase
Gov. Mike Beebe will call the Arkansas legislature into special session beginning March 31 to address the address a severance tax on natural...