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Monday, March 17, 2008

Info Post
Obama Watch: For what it's worth, Barack Obama dropped seven points in yesterday's Rasmussen tracking poll that matches him against Hillary Clinton. Rasmussen calls last night's sample "very favorable for Clinton." Although we don't know exactly how favorable, simple math says Clinton beat Obama by a lot last night - well into double digits. It would seem a reasonable supposition that Obama's internal polls showed some similarly disquieting data, and those numbers triggered Obama's sprint around the media last night.

How much damage the Meshugenah Minister scandal will do to Obama remains anyone's guess. Hey, it's possible that by this time next week, the talk will have completely shifted to another topic. Then again, that other topic may be Michelle Obama's rhetoric which bears uncomfortable America-bashing similarities to Reverend Wright's, or why exactly the Obamas depended on the financial help of a Chicago political fixer to buy their dream home in a year in which they netted a cool $1.6 million in combined income. The reactions from the left regarding Obama's association with Reverend Wright have been interesting. Let me share a few . . . [Read More]

Tags: Barack Obama, church, Election 2008, hate speech, Jeremiah Wright, Michelle Obama, Rasmussen Poll To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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