Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: If you are considering why this year's presidential election is important, view the video of Newt Gingrich discussing the war on terror at the National Press Club last year. If you agree with Newt Gingrich about the overwhelming treat of Islamic terrorism to our county, our way of life and our children, then you can see why allowing a Obama or Clinton to be elected president would be a travesty. John McCain, the presumptive nominee for the Republican party, has repeatedly warned that this threat is real. Also, consider that dictators who hate America are also on the rise. |
Republican groups can argue all day about various nuances of which group is or candidate was more conservative, but survival trumps our personal viewpoints. National security is too important to entrust to either Clinton or Obama. Republicans need to stop "belly aching" about the fact their candidate did not get the nomination. Independents need to set their displeasure that the two parties are doing it all wrong. You like others may be right to some degree but being right is not going to address the current threat. Conservative democrats need to acknowledge that the extreme liberal wing of their party has taken control. It has put forth two candidates who by their own words are in appeasement mode. They are both unwilling and too inexperienced to address and fight a war against terrorism.
All of us are somewhat discontent. We live in dangerous times and we don't like it. We believed the end of the cold war meant long term peace. We wanted to get on with our personally shaped visions of the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. But the fact is while we were snug in pursuits, we failed to notice that others hated both us and our way of life. Unfortunately, their hatred had grown to the point of their making plans and performing action for our destruction. Our wishing that this situation did not exist or wishing they would go away or believing that we can just talk to them and they will leave us alone is sticking our collective heads in the sand with our butts showing as targets.
Face it; we are collectively hated. It is not nice but it is true. They hate the our general ways of worship. They hate our materialism and what they perceive as our excessive living styles. They hate homosexuals, Christians and Jews. They hate women having the same freedoms and rights as men. They prefer to wrap their women in black cloth. They hate our form of government. They hate our movies and music. They hate our right to vote and our constitutional rights. They hate, hate, hate! They wish to destroy not only us but also our economy which affords us our standard of living. They wish to destroy our very way of life and to doom our grandchildren to a miserable state of existence. It is not that Islamist terrorists are poor, they are spending billions to destroy us. No, their way of life is not charitable, open and loving but regimented and controlled by religious zealots who hate us.
It is time for us to face this danger. It is a real threat and it is not several years away. It has already visited our door step and intends to do so repeatedly until their objectives are achieved.
Tags: Bill Smith, Islamist, John McCain, Newt Gingrich, presidential candidate, terrorism, terrorist, threat assessment, video, War on Terror To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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