by Renee E. Taylor: Are American voting women as stupid and shallow as the mainstream media will have them portrayed – clamoring to vote for Hillary Clinton simply because “she’s a woman”? Why don’t her frightening policies, which many describe as Socialist, and her apparently insatiable ambition for the office (enough to raise suspicions of character issues, especially when she was moved to the only emotion we’ve ever seen from her when she believed she would lose New Hampshire) affect the votes of these women?
We are told the typical Hillary supporter is a well educated, “liberated” woman, even though we saw that Hillary won in NH because of heavy support from older and underclass women. The Hillary voter is portrayed as “compassionate” and enlightened, yet if such enlightenment leads to a vote for someone merely because of her gender, well, I’d hate to see how unenlightened citizens would vote. . . . [Read More]
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Voting for Hillary – So Easy a Cavewoman Could Do It - Again
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