Former State Senator Gary Hunter of Mountain Home announced he will be a Republican candidate for State Representative District 81: Hunter, 59, has been a resident of Mountain Home for 24 years.
He served in the Senate for eight years and during that time served as chairman of the Senate Retirement Committee and chairman of the Audit Subcommittee. He also held seats on the Budget, Insurance and Commerce, Children and Youth, and Transportation committees. While in the Senate, Hunter sponsored legislation to protect the citizen's right to bear arms, protect traditional family values, and to support veterans and teachers of the Twin Lakes Area. If elected, Hunter said he will favor legislation or a Castle Doctrine that empowers citizens to use deadly force in defending homes and businesses.
As Senator, Hunter obtained capital-improvement funds for Arkansas State University Mountain Home, CARTI, the Roundup Club, Baxter Rural Fire Departments and the Christian Clinic.
Prior to his service in the Senate, Hunter was a member of the Baxter County Quorum Court, where he served as chairman of the Budget and Building committees. On the Budget Committee, Hunter says he was responsible for the establishment of an Emergency Reserve Contingency Fund . . .
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