by PL Booth, The Blue Eye: It amazes me so few adults nor a majority of children comprehend that any intervention by Government into our daily lives and activities is a reduction of liberty. Certainly, some intervention in the forms of law enforcement preventing or obstructing our injuring or murdering each other on a grand scale can be tolerated. Almost everything else governments do constitute removing some of our civil liberties in one form or another.
Governmental control of all our lives in every way possible is the ultimate goal of Socialism. The failed system of the former Soviet Union and present Cuban government has kept those peoples in virtual poverty for most of a century while the Democratic and Republican forms of governments in the West have brought incredible prosperity to their peoples. However, both the current Democratic Candidates for President are socialists who would willfully denigrate our liberties but who are successfully selling themselves as champions of the people. . . .
It's a problem of socialism where one person is forced to take care of another. There is no moral argument that justifies using the coercive powers of government to force one person to bear the expense of taking care of another despite the ranting of our political Socialists. If a person is too resolute in his refusal to bear another's expenses, what is the justification for imposing fines, imprisonment or death? . . .
The ultimate question here is what sort of relationship do we want between government and its citizens? Will we run our lives or will we allow government to do so which is socialism run rampant. And that, of course, is what both Clinton and Obama are championing, Socialism, government responsibility and control for everything you do, from the cradle to the grave. . . . [Full Article]
Tags: Democrats, liberty, PL Booth, presidential candidates, 2008 election socialism
Liberty Verses Socialism
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