Breaking News
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Info Post
Alan Keyes who has continually identified himself as a Republican, filed as a Republican in various primaries, and "fished" in GOP waters, has allegedly departed the Republican Party. He is now looking to the Constitution Party. On Tuesday evening, April 15, in Hazleton, PA, Alan Keyes will be holding a major press conference to lay out why he is leaving the party he has belonged to and supported his entire adult life.

It is unfortunate, that Alan Keyes efforts may now draw voters away from the GOP nominee which could aid in electing the liberal democrat nominee as president. When he began his race, he said he was running as a Republican and would always be a Republicans. However, since entered too late in the GOP primary and was rebuffed for the GOP nomination, he evidently has now been courted by the weaker Constitution Party. Some believe, he may have planned on this move in advance of his late entry into the GOP primary with no intent to ever bee the GOP nominee.

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