Breaking News
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Info Post
I'm sure the title of this post is rather shocking after having celebrated July 4th. But that is the title of a post by TXPoet on Ft Hard Knox that provides us with some post celebration insight. But the key to reading the following is don't quit reading until the end. Now the word of TXPoet:
Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July!

I really hope y’all celebrated and remembered why you were celebrating, because the way this country is headed it could be Her last birthday celebration.

From across the country we read reports of the Black National Anthem replacing our real National Anthem in Denver, and from Spokane Anarchists march for their rights to destroy this Country. We watch as racist separatist groups boycott any celebration of this Nation’s birth.

Its almost as if their propagandist “ethnic studies” programs failed to teach them about things like history, civics or the truth. We watch as liberals, socialists, communists, and Marxists use the rights granted under the Constitution to protest against It. We watch as they try to muzzle and bully others like Carrie Swartout and the Gathering of Eagles and then we watch ashamedly as liberal Judges allow criminal acts against anyone protesting for America. We watch as again and again the Judeo-Christian God is berated in the courts but the Islamic Fascist god is promoted and encouraged. We watch as the minority runs roughshod over the majority and over the Constitution. We watch as politicians, lawyers and judges line their pockets with filthy lucre and sell out America. We watch as pawns of Communist China are voted into elected office. We watch as people protest a citizen’s right to protect property from criminals.

We watch as elected officials who have sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution trample on it while the mainstream media abets the marginalization of this Nation.

I have listened to many debates and heard the vacuous rhetoric coming from the left. Much of it regurgitated from the fantasies of the mainstream media. I see Op-Eds from the liberal press quoted as news. I watch the liberal trolls try to disrupt and take down web sites that oppose them. I watch the koolaid kiddies “game” the system to suppress all voices except theirs. I watch comments that rebut fictitious allegations with facts being deleted in favor of hate spewing.

We are under attack by Communists, Socialist, Marxists, Islamic Fascists, illegal aliens, greedy corporations, rich industrialists and New Order proponents. We are under attack from with out and with in. It’s past time for America to stand up. It’s now time for America to fall... to Her knees and pray! Because only with the help of the Creator will we once more be able to rise up.
Thank you TXPoet for reminding us from where our salvation comes both for ourselves and for our country!
Tags: 4th of July, 2008, Freedom, Ft Hard Knox, graft, greed, immigrations, Independence, prayer, protests To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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