Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Almost every time we turn around, Sen Blanche Lincoln takes another lock step with Washington D.C. liberals. And w...
Stopping Fairness Doctrine - Victory! or is it?
by Kerby Anderson, Point of View : Yesterday, the Senate voted to ban the FCC from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine by a margin of 87-11! T...
Blue Dogs - Any Bite Or All Bark?
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The issue of the Employee Free Choice Act, or card check, is coming to a head for alleged "Blue Dog" dem...
Arkansas House Votes to Give Away Arkansas Popular Vote For President
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Arkansas voters will lose their influence in future presidential elections if the Senate concurs by an action by t...
'Iran Lobby': Teheran's front groups move on-- and into-- the Obama Administration
by Clare M. Lopez, Center for Security Policy : A complex network of individuals and organizations with ties to the clerical regime in Tehr...
Borrowed Money
by Kerby Anderson, Point of View : All of the current spending by the government creates a problem. The money for this spending must be bor...
"Mad" Max Brantley No Friend of Gun Owners
Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News: My mother would tell us, "Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it." In...
Today in Washington D. C. - Feb 26, 2009
The House passed $410 billion omnibus appropriations bill (H.R. 1105) by a vote of 245-178 yesterday. Next week, the Senate is expected to...
Arkansas Republican Party Executive Director Rumors
Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News: Jason Tolbert, The Tolbert Report keeps us to date on rumors in Little Rock. Lately, he has been "snif...
Today in Washington D. C. - Feb 25, 2009
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$91,000 Income Families Eligible for ARKIDS
Iris Stevens, Women's Prayer & Action Group : It is incredible that we abort 4,500 babies a year in Arkansas, yet for the children w...
An American Fairytale - A Tale of Warning - And of Hope (video)
H/T to The BoBo Files who reflects: "Watching this video while listening to the Obamessiah really sends this message home. Obama spee...
Mere Monopoly Money
By Robert Romano : President Obama yesterday declared at his much-ballyhooed Fiscal “Responsibility” Summit that “We've got a lot of ha...
How to be a Left-Wing Budget Balancer
by Bobby Eberle : The Obama administration has barely had time to get settled into the job, yet the actions of this new president have alre...
Interrogating Army 'justice' - A call for reform
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: In the following Washington Times' "Op Ed ," two retired military generals and a colonel seek justic...
Today in Washington D. C. - Feb 24, 2009
The Senate schedule is different than reported yesterday. they will resume consideration of the motion to proceed to S. 160, the DC voting b...
Republicans Surpass Democrats on Twitter
Urban Conservative : Interesting story in the Washington Times about how Republicans are jumping on the technology bandwagon by joining i...
Debunking Liberal Economics
H/T - Scott Miller, The Conservative Post : If there is one video that you watch, and pass along to friends, this should be it… the more th...
Halt Greatest Theft in Human History - "Stop the Bailout"
“The people intuitively know when they are being robbed. There is genuine anger out there on the part of taxpayers and homeowners who do not...