Breaking News
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Info Post
Senate could vote today on the nomination of William J. Lynn to be Deputy Secretary of Defense. Democrat conferees (Republicans are not allowed) will continue work reconciling the House and Senate versions of the economic stimulus legislation (H.R. 1). Yesterday, the Senate voted 61-37 to pass with a two vote margin the Senate version of the stimulus bill.

At President Obama’s primetime news conference on Monday, Julianna Goldman of Bloomberg asked the president, “During the campaign, you promised the American people that you won't just tell them what they want to hear, but what they need to hear. Won't the government need far more than the $350 billion that's remaining in the financial rescue funds to really solve the credit crisis?” Indeed, the AP reported yesterday that new plans from the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve, combined with the $800 billion plus stimulus package being hammered out by congressional Democrats, could amount to as much as $3 trillion. Obama never answered Goldman’s question, and it increasingly seems that his administration and Democrats in Congress do not want to reveal to the American people the true costs of their efforts.

Democrats in Congress are currently coming up with a final version of their massive stimulus bill behind closed doors. The Las Vegas Review-Journal, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s hometown paper, reports, “Sen. John Ensign on Tuesday called on congressional leaders to allow full television coverage of negotiations this week where a handful of House and Senate members will finalize the economic stimulus bill. . . . ‘It should not be behind closed doors. It should be out in the open,’ Ensign said.” The Washington Examiner explained, “The reality is that while the conference committee meetings might be open, the actual negotiations on the stimulus bill have taken place behind closed doors in the leadership offices.” The Examiner goes on to remind Democrats that at every step of the way on the stimulus bill, Americans have been given very little time to read the various iterations before members of Congress were expected to vote on them.

On another front, self admitted tax-cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner at a press conference yesterday announcing his plans to help the financial sector. The Wall Street Journal notes that “the lack of detail in his much-anticipated speech helped drive stocks down nearly 5%, the worst selloff since President Barack Obama assumed office.” The editorial pages of The New York Times and The Washington Post were not impressed! The Times writes, “Someone should have told Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that the one thing to avoid at a time of uncertainty is raising more questions.” The Post agrees: “[A]t its heart, the Geithner initiative was a work in progress -- more a concept than a plan, really.” And, The Wall Street Journal observed, “What everyone saw was Geithner at the Improv, a routine with a few good lines but a lot of material that needs more, well, practice. . . . Mr. Geithner offered something for everyone with a financial problem, albeit with most of the details left to be filled in later. Investors naturally took this to mean that, much like former Secretary Hank Paulson, Mr. Geithner will be making things up as he goes along.”

Americans deserve to know just what is being planned by the administration and Congress, and just how much it is going to cost taxpayers. To quote Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, “Americans know they have a limit on their spending. This week they’re wondering what government’s limit is.”

In review, three republicans crossed over to the Democrat side thus assuring the needed votes to pass the Senate's porkulus spending stimulus bill. They will be labeled forever as RINOs for damming America to a millennium of debt. They failed to stands with their conservative party in an effort to strip out the needless pork, unneeded spending, and intrusive government regulations from the stimulus bill. These three non-heroes, Susan Collins (ME), Olympia Snowe (ME), and Arlen Specter (PA), even if not assured defeat in future elections by republicans, have definitely demonstrated they are so weak that they can be easily defeated by democrats unless they now move further into bed with the liberal socialists by changing their party affiliation. The bill being pushed through by the three stooges of liberalism could have been stopped and meaningful negotiations forced on the democrats. These three RINOs undid all the efforts of their fellow Republicans and its leadership. They will not find themselves profiled in future issues of "profiles of courage" unless written by a new socialist order and even then they will probably be ignored as traitors to their own party who are not worth mentioning!
Tags: Congressional Pork, economic spending, National Debt, RINO, three stooges, Tim Geither, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C., Waste To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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