"Kagan's lack of qualifications for the role of solicitor general is shocking," said Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst at Focus on the Family Action. "Not only has she never argued a case to the Supreme Court — which is the solicitor general's function — she apparently has never tried any case." Kagan's left-wing extremism has surfaced several times during her career.
"Her most recent misreading of the Constitution occurred in the Supreme Court case dealing with military recruiters on campus," Hausknecht said. "She signed on to a brief with 40 other liberal law professors arguing a First Amendment position so extreme that the Supreme Court rejected her position by a 9-0 vote." Three other Justice Department nominees share Kagan's leftist record:
"Obama is stacking the nation’s top legal agency with far left-wing activists, giving Republicans more opportunity to demonstrate that all the talk of 'moderation' is just that — talk," wrote Greg Mueller, former senior aide to Republican lawmakers. "Republicans must use every opportunity to expose the far-left politics and policies President Obama and his Democrat colleagues have in mind."David Ogden, nominated to serve as deputy attorney general, opposes restrictions on abortion and pornography, and has represented Playboy in court. Ogden filed a brief before the U.S. Supreme Court in support of child pornographer Stephen Knox, who possessed sexually explicit videos of children. Ogden argued that, because the children's genitalia were partially covered by clothing, such exploitation is protected by the First Amendment. Thomas Perrelli, Obama’s nominee to serve as associate attorney general, represented Terri Schiavo’s husband as he fought to have food and water withheld from his disabled wife. Dawn Johnsen, who hopes to serve as assistant attorney general, is the former legal director for NARAL Pro-Choice America.
TAKE ACTION: Please call your U.S. senators today and ask them to oppose the nominations of David Ogden, Elena Kagan, Thomas Perrelli and Dawn Johnsen. Please make the phone calls, even if you called last week. Contact your senators!
Tags: David Ogden, Elena Kagan, judicial appointments, nominations, solicitor general, US Justice Dept To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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