Breaking News
Friday, February 27, 2009

Info Post
by Kerby Anderson, Point of View: Yesterday, the Senate voted to ban the FCC from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine by a margin of 87-11! The more than 10,000 letters our listeners sent to Capitol Hill this week played an important role in securing this victory. In response to the vote, CBN White House Correspondent, David Brody, said, “I think it’s fair to say that the Fairness Doctrine in its purest state is history for now.”

The amendment is called the Broadcasters Freedom Act and was written by Senator Jim DeMint from South Carolina. However, another amendment was attached to the same bill that orders the FCC to encourage radio ownership “diversity.” This amendment passed by a vote of 57-41.

An aide to Senator DeMint said this measure will “impose the Fairness Doctrine through the back door by trying to break up radio ownership.” This is the precise reason the letters we asked our listeners to send to Washington asked legislators to “oppose the reenactment of the Fairness Doctrine or any other similar legislation.”

Liberal senators have heard from their constituents and recognize that the American people oppose the Fairness Doctrine so they are trying to sneak it in piece by piece through the back door. The good news is that congress is hearing from so many people that they know they cannot pass the Fairness Doctrine in its original form. Now we have to make sure they can’t sneak it through the back door either. Your representatives need to know that you see through their deception and know what they are trying to do.

Please take a moment right now to send another letter to both of your senators and your representative and let them know you oppose any part of the Fairness Doctrine being imposed on the American people. Momentum is on our side! We must press forward for a complete victory and not allow apathy to snatch defeat from the jaws of our victory.

Tags: Broadcasters Freedom Act, fairness doctrine, free speech, Kerby Anderson, Point of View, Protect Fairness Doctrine To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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