Breaking News
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: If the media was reporting the truth - it would have the following headline: "Americans Afraid of Government Health Care." With the rising outcry by the public, even Democrats are now concerned with the number of their constituents saying hold it -- we can't afford any more debt and why should we trust the government to interfere with and or run private health care. President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi wished to push through national health care quickly. Now they are concerned the delay will allow the truth to be shared.

One major truth is that the majority of Americans fear the government running anything including their private health care. However, many individuals felt alone in their feeling that things were amiss -- after all President Obama continues to hold press conferences demanding that they cooperate and that health care must be changed right now! This same pattern has been previously used with respect to global warming (cap-in-trade), the failed stimulus, and bailing out the banks and auto industry. Everything had to be done quickly without even elected congressional representatives and Senators reading the bills. Unfortunately, Reid and Pelosi are denying almost 40% of the U.S. Senators and 41% of Representatives input to the legislative process other than voting.

However, with the delay in passage of health care, groups representing the viewpoints of the majority of Americans are getting the word out in spite of the delay in the truth by government influenced media. As an example, consider the CATO Institute which will be releasing an advertising campaign to highlight the under-reported poll data by the media which has really shown that majority of Americans are concerned that current health care reform plans will raise costs, limit choice and reduce the quality of their health care.

Health care reform is needed. However, reforms that increase the role of government and an already massive federal budget deficit – as many proposals would – are bad medicine. The Cato Institute is undertaking nationwide outreach on how free-market reforms, increased consumer choice, and energized competition – not more government control – improve health care's quality and affordability. This includes outreach through national newspapers and radio stations, and a new web site of key resources. Below is part of the proposed ad:
uncle samYour New Doctor?
What really matters is who decides. Under reform proposals before Congress, government would take over more and more of your health care decisions. Whatever it’s called—socialized medicine . . . government-run health care . . . "a public plan". . . individual & employer mandates — it's bad medicine.

In a recent national survey* 4 out of 5 Americans were concerned that government run health care would:
There is a better, uniquely American solution: freedom. Freedom to choose your doctor and health plan. Freedom to spend your health care dollars as you choose. Freedom to make your own medical decisions. Freedom to keep a health plan you are satisfied with. View Cato's full page health care reform ad

Tags: Cato Institute, health care, poll, Socialized medicine, ARRA, Bill Smith To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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