Well lets here from one of her fellow New Hampshire residents, Skip Murphy at GraniteGrok:
So, Carol Shea-Porter believes that I want to stand in line for medical care?
Oh My Gosh - dunno if I should file this under Healthcare or "Just can't make this up"! As the RedState post says:Every time I need medical care - I wait in the doctor's office, and I wait in the ER (for accidents to friends and family members). For CSP to put it this way?
She says:“I just wanted to make a couple of comments and say I heard one of my colleagues say ‘waiting in line’ — that people would be ‘waiting in line for medical care,’ and I would like to say that many of my constituents would love to wait in line for medical care.”And folks like Obama, Shea-Porter, and the rest of the Capitol Hill Democrats wonder why their health care overhaul proposal is growing less popular among the American population by the day?
Utter nonsense. This is nothing but spin supporting Pelosi and Obama. Arrogance...
You know, the NH TEA Party folks have already "visited" her offices - with this remark boosting the absolute boondoggle that is the Socialist Healthcare program (Biden - we'll save money by spending an extra Trillion!) for about 3% of the US population.(H/T: NOW!Hampshire via RedState)
Tags: GraniteGrok, nationalized health care, New Hampshire, Obamacare To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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