On Thurday, in the key Senate health committee the Senate Democratic leadership's goal of universal abortion coverage at taxpayer expense was front and center when Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) introduced an amendment that moved health care "reform" one step closer to forcing taxpayers to pay for abortions for the first time in 30 years. Mikulski amendment would insure that organizations like Planned Parenthood were included in the government plan. Sen. Orrin Hatch raised an objection about taxpayer funded abortion. Sen. Mikulski appeared to have been caught with her hand in the cookie jar - view video --> |
While more concerns have been raised that some treatments may not be available to some people, the supporters of this government takeover are intent on making sure abortion is not left out. Think about it, while you or your children or elderly parents may be denied certain treatments or procedures, your tax dollars will underwrite Planned Parenthood, in taking the lives of unborn children. Unfortunately, Mikulski's amendment to include abortion coverage in the bill passed by a razor-thin margin (11-12). Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) was the only Democrat to stand his ground and vote for life. Please go to Clear Conscience Health Care and sign the petition to help make sure your tax dollars do not fund abortion. Your voice and others can still make a difference!
Also, the Senate Appropriations Committee moved a State/Foreign Operations bill to the floor, voting 29-1 on a measure that would provide $628.5 million for "family planning" (i.e. abortion) programs--including $50 million for the U.N. Population Fund. Our tax money being used to reduce Population growth by funding abortion! The Committee also adopted an amendment by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) that would make permanent President Obama's giving tax dollars to groups that promote abortion overseas. Only Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS) voted to stop the U.S. from exporting abortion since Sens. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and George Voinovich (D-OH) refused to vote anything but "present." America is now on the verge of taxing it's citizens to pay for abortions (killing babies) in other countries. Exporting federal funds for abortions; while running up the national debt on Americans. What a wonderful contribution by America to the world! Satire intended!
Tags: abortion, Barbara Mikulski, FRC, George Voinvich, government funded abortions, international abortions, Mary Landrieu, Orrin Hatch, Planned Parenthood, Sam Brownback, universal abortion To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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