You'll find phone numbers to every Congressmen's and both Senators' offices along with pdf files containing suggested scripts for phone calls. Another pdf file on that page lists "Health Care Talking Points" to combat the non-stop rhetoric spewed from the White House and their Democratic allies.
Another page linked to the Action Center is a file containing 5 sample letters to the editor. You can take one of these word for word, use it as a starting point to write your own, write some combination of the 5, or start from scratch, but please take the time to communicate your desire to stop the government takeover of our health care system to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette in a letter to the editor today.
You can also find email links to every member of Arkansas' congressional delegation in the Action Center. We need to overload their email systems and make them understand we don't want a government run health care system. The party has included a link to suggested text to include in your emails, tailored to each Representative and Senator. (I just spoke with Congressman Ross' office in Pine Bluff and was told there is no truth to the internet rumors that Ross has sold out to the Obama administration.)
The President and his Socialist allies are pushing this power grab hard. Obama was rumored to have told one Democratic Senator who opposes Obamacare, "You're going to ruin my presidency." Look for full-scale Chicago style politics on Pennsylvania Avenue over the next few weeks. To combat the sure to come mob style strong arm tactics they'll employ, we need everyone to do their part. Make Arkansas Democrats afraid to sell out to Socialism by letting them know they'll be out of a job in 2010 if they do!
Tags: Arkansas, Arkansas Republican Party, Blanche Lincoln, health care, John Allison III, John Boozman, Marion Berry, Mark Pryor, Mike Ross, Obamacare, RPA, Vic Snyder To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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