Breaking News
Friday, July 24, 2009

Info Post
by Kerby Anderson, Point of View: We know that jihadists are grown and cultivated overseas, but do we have homegrown jihadists in America? The evidence is that we do.

A controversial film shows that not only do we have a problem with homegrown jihadists, but we also have a problem with U.S. training camps for jihadists. Earlier this year, the Christian Action Network premiered Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the U.S. in Washington, D.C. Recently I interviewed one of the researchers for the film and got a first hand account of the filming of these camps. The documentary shows clips from a secret “Soldiers of Allah” videotape. On the tape Sheikh Mubarak Gilani instructs followers on how to hijack cars, set off explosives, murder guards, and use various terrorism tactics. The documentary also travels around the country to some of the nearly three dozen Muslim compounds established under the name “Muslims of America.”

CBS News ran an article attacking the documentary even though they had only seen the trailer of the movie on YouTube. They labeled it sensationalistic and declared that the Muslims identified in the film were merely “wannabes and not terrorists.” Frank Gaffney (with the Center for Security Policy and frequent guest on my radio program) disagrees. He believes that the film “connects the dots” and shows how and where potential jihadists threats might come. He noted that Sheikh Gilani has been regarded for many years as an international terrorist. The training video he made for his followers is replete with instructions on how to kill using knives, handguns, sniper rifles, automatic weapons and explosives.

The Homegrown Jihad documentary closes with a list of crimes committed by the group featured in the film. These range from fraud to fire-bombing to murder to acts of deadly terrorism. This film is a reminder that while we fight a war on terrorism abroad, we also need to pay attention to what is happening at home. I’m Kerby Anderson, and that’s my point of view.
Trailer for the Movie:
"Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps
Around the U.S."

Interview on Hannity addressing
Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps
Around The U.S.

Tags: homegrown jihadists, homegrown terrorists, Islamic terrorist, Jihadist, Kerby Anderson, Point of View, United States, video To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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