Breaking News
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Info Post
Breaking News: Below is information regarding the Speaker Nancy Pelosi's health care bill that is dropping right now at Pelosi's press conference. The bill is 1,990 pages long and contains a separate 13-page bill to repeal the sustainable growth rate caps on Medicare spending. The Bill costs nearly $1 trillion and is not paid for which obviously will break Obama’s promise to Congress during his speech.

The Pelosi health care bill will raise taxes, raise health care costs, add to our national debt, hurting America's seniors, families and small businesses. One recent independent study estimated that younger Americans could see their health care premiums triple and a family of four could see their health care premiums more than double.

The bill contains the word “shall” 3,425 times. Though Steny Hoyer just said the bill was open and transparent, they prevented the American people from attending their publicity rally by checking IDs and keeping people out.

Folks -- Read the text of the bill --- >

Update: "Weird" fact inside the bill: Pelosi wants the federal government to regulate vending machines, to ensure everyone can see the nutrition labels on items in same before purchasing their food. Here’s the language:

VENDING MACHINES. In the case of an article of food sold from a vending machine that
- does not permit a prospective purchaser to examine the Nutrition Facts Panel
before purchasing the article or does not otherwise provide visible nutrition information at the point of purchase; and
- is operated by a person who is engaged in the business of owning or operating 20 or more vending machines, the vending machine operator shall provide a sign in close proximity to each article of food or the selection button that includes a clear and conspicuous statement disclosing the number of calories contained in the article.

Tags: government run, health care, Nancy Pelosi, US House To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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