Breaking News
Friday, October 23, 2009

Info Post
We missed this report in September and now have a base line to monitor changes. Rasmussen Reports:
Republican Voters:
- 74% say their party’s representatives in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters nationwide
- 18% believe their elected officials have done a good job representing the base.
- 55% say that the average Republican in Congress is more liberal than the average Republican Voters.
- 24% say the average Republican in Congress holds views about the same as the average Republican
- 17% think the Congressional Republicans are more conservative than GOP voters.
- 84% overwhelmingly believe it is more important for the party to stand for what it believes in rather than trying to work with President Barack Obama.
- 14% favor more co-operation with the President.

Non Affiliated Voters (with Major Parties):
- 58% say the GOP should stand for what it believes
- 33% would like to see more cooperation with the President.
- 71% believe the Republicans in Congress have lost touch with their base
- 41% believe that the average Republican in Congress is more liberal than the average Republican voters.

Democrat Voters - Those in President Obama’s party overwhelmingly want the GOP to work more closely with the President. [What a surprise.]

Overall, among all voters, 51% believe it is more important for the Republican Party to stand for what it believes in than for the GOP to work with President Obama. Forty-two percent (42%) disagree.

Just 24% of all voters nationwide think Democrats should pass a health care reform bill that is opposed by all Republicans in Congress. Fifty-eight percent (58%) say Democrats should change the bill to win support from "a reasonable number of Republicans." . . . [Full Report]

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