Breaking News
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Info Post
Alain at Worth Reading posted the following and asked the question whether the HINI Swine Flue call for a national emergency. Some very tragic deaths have occurred and who knows how many will occur related to the swine flue vaccination being developed by companies who have been granted immunity from suit for any errors or mistakes related to the vaccine. Alain put the present emergency in perspective by asking why no emergency has every been declared for HIV and AIDS:

By Alain: Wow. National Emergency. Special Government Powers enabled. For the FLU? I mean really, lets look at a simple statistical comparison:

SWINE FLU (aka H1N1) Health authorities say more than 1,000 people in the United States, including almost 100 children, have died from the strain of flu known as H1N1, and 46 states have widespread flu activity. (More Here)

Ok, now lets look at a bigger killer that currently ALSO bears the label "pandemic"... HIV AND AIDS (Just in the USA)"
  • Number of people living with HIV: 1 200 000 [690 000 - 1 900 000]
  • Adults aged 15 to 49 prevalence rate: 0.6% [0.4% - 1%]
  • Adults aged 15 and up living with HIV: 1 100 000 [690 000 - 1 900 000]
  • Women aged 15 and up living with HIV: 230 000 [140 000 - 400 000]
  • Children aged 0 to 14 living with HIV: N/A
  • Deaths due to AIDS: 22 000 [9 000 - 54 000]
  • Orphans due to AIDS aged 0 to 17: N/A
Source: Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS, 2008

I don't hear anything about needing a NATIONAL EMERGENCY for AIDS? even though it is by FAR a greater threat, a larger killer, than this FLU...

Or maybe, Next month he will expand his National Emergency to cover AIDS also, or who knows, maybe the common cold?

Tags: aids, Barack Obama, HIV, Obama administration, pandemic, swine flu To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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